Minecraft Updates Details

Minecraft’s Update Concept Visualizes New Rivers and Waterfalls

A creative Minecraft player has envisioneda the River Update concept, suggesting various new types of waterfall varieties and river biomes.

A talented Minecraft player has been inspired by the Caves&Cliffs update for Minecraft. He imagined what a River Update for the game, complete with waterfalls and rivers, would look like. This vision of the next major update to the game touching on bodies of water is not too ambitious given the current update, which modifies mountains and underground caves.

Recently, it was announced by Mojang that the Caves and Cliffs update will be split up and released separately. The first part, taking advantage of all the new blocks, mobs, and crafting recipes, will be available to Minecraft fans, this summer. However, the most complicated portion of the update, a revised generation system of mountains and caves, will be pushed further and released during the holidays. But the budding archeology mechanic will, unfortunately, miss both the releases since it has yet to be redesigned into a captivating activity.

Credits: disruptive builds

The idea for a River Update for Minecraft.

YouTuber disruptive_builds, in his new video, suggested a bunch of exciting ideas and visions for a hypothetical River Update for Minecraft. He came up with various new types of rivers to give a unique look to the game’s natural watercourses. This update has a number of typical biome variants, starting with Lush rivers. From the player’s point of view, these are almost buried or covered with an abundant quantity of lily pad and dense vegetation.

Next, there is a Dried River biome (a drained river bed without any water in it). Streams are even smaller in this imaginative upgrade, just being 1-2 blocks wide. The narrow and curvy Lush creek is overgrown by sugarcane and trees. The YouTuber also designed large and small  Waterfall biomes, with the former having the ability to randomly spawn conceived caves. Nonetheless, we have to keep in mind that none of these biome variants exist in Minecraft and everything that was showcased in the trailer had to be assembled with the help of manual labour.

Minecraft Updates

The most recent Minecraft updates

The most current update for Minecraft completely reimagined the Nether realm by adding a diverse set of biomes and bringing in the games most valued ore to date. Mojang even imagined forest areas for the hell-like alternative realm, introducing them with brand new mobs. Apart from this, the most alluring change was the Ancient Debris Block, which can be harvested and used to improve the diamond gear and make it more effective. This ore only fruits in tiny amounts in the depths of the Nether.

Will the River Update be incorporated in the game?

Ever since the Caves & Cliffs update was revealed and even provided in snapshots, the fans are waiting and fantasizing about the next big upgrade. However, the River Upgrade is a tad bit niche and thus it is not possible for it to make it to the game as one single package. But, Mojang might incorporate new types of rivers in the game, when he revamps another big part of the game, sometime in the future.

Hi! I am Anushka Basu. I'm a student of Journalism and Mass communication and an ardent binge-watcher. Writing is a passion for me and my goal is to put forth my ideas and views before the readers in an effortless manner.