Must Play Indie Games

Top 5 Must Play Indie Game

90’s Retro Nostalgia

Most wallet-draining AAA games are too troublesome to get into. You need to have an upgraded PC, lots of money for the micro-transactions, and hours of free time to get into the story. In many cases, the outcome is panic instead of joy. Enter Indie Games.

What is an Indie Game?

An indie game, a short form of an independent game, is a video game created on a small project by individual developers without financial support from a publisher. They are passion projects and the small team working on them does it not because they are regular jobbers, but because they love it. The unique art, simple gameplay mechanics, the easy-to-dive-in story, and affordability of the indie games make them stand out amongst the corporate market of AAA titles. If you want a break from high-spec games, and escape the harsh 3D reality of our daily lives, here are some of the indie games you must try:

Top 5 Indie Games
Indie Games

The Banner Saga trilogy

“In the morning we slay a Sundr.”

Ever wondered how a post-Ragnarok medieval world would like? Well, Banner Saga is the closest thing you can get. The Banner Saga is a story-driven turn-based game taking place in a Viking-inspired setting full of mythical races. The rich lore and compelling characters make you feel like you are playing a Game of Thrones game (season 7, not season 8). The player gets to choose a certain action at different parts of the game which carry on to the other two sequels and can heavily affect the gameplay and even alter the ending. Situations like rescuing a wagon mind end up rewarding you with ration or kill your favorite character permanently.

The Banner Saga trilogy
The Banner Saga

The Last Door (Season 1 & 2)

“It is a bird with the head of… a wolf? Or is it a lion?”

The Last door is what you get when you cross Lovecraftian horrors with Sherlock Holmes mystery. While most AAA games have failed to adapt the essence of Lovecraftian stories, The Last Door does an excellent job in creating dread hidden behind every riddle you solve. A Point-and-Click videogame with haunting melodies and an intriguing story, The Last Door feels like solving a Victorian-era murder mystery while coming face to face with horrors beyond our minds.

The Last Door
The Last Door


“By name and the honor of the Spheromancers, this cannot stand!”

To put it simply, Crosscode is an action RPG about a character in an MMORPG; a videogame inside a videogame. Crosscode combines elements from various old-school RPGs like Zelda and Chrono Trigger with a humongous map filled with villages, wilderness, dungeons, and temples. The unique flora and fauna of the game feel like a Pokemon game. As the story unfolds, the players get different elemental powers like fire, ice, electricity, and wave, and a multitude of abilities to uncover. The multitude of bosses and puzzles in Crosscode makes it feel like a child-friendly 2D Dark Souls game.



“People who say ‘go big or go home’ seriously underestimate my willingness to go home.”

After almost a decade in the making, Owlboy came out as a memorable game. A fairly short game compared to the rest in this list, it has a rarely seen polish and a nostalgic feel to it. Beautiful visuals, soothing melodies, easy controls and most importantly, the friendships you create makes you feel like playing an emotional fairy tale.

Owlboy Indie Games

Children of Morta

“Steps were taken without regret, for it was never possible to change a destiny unknown.”

Mount Morta, a mystical mountain of secrets and treasures and dungeons. The guardians of Morta, the Bergson family, are forced to face hordes of vile creatures emerging from an overspreading Corruption that can endanger all life. Children of Morta is similar to the Souls series but offers a variety of characters, members of the Bergson family, with different abilities to choose from. Take out the nightmarish abominations and unfathomable beasts with the help of your family and witness the bond of love overpower the corruption of Gods.

Children of Morta
Children of Morta

Order your indie game today, sit back, and enjoy the passion projects of individuals who do it for the sake of love of their craft. For more on indie games, stay tuned to our website.

The firstborn of house Kamikaze, the first of his name, lover of fiction, reader of books, reviewer of movies, knower of nothing, serial escapist.