Netflix added few of the best movies

Netflix Added Few Of The Best Movies For Its Audiences

Netflix made plans to entertain the audience by adding a few best movies to the streaming platform.

There are now more cases of coronavirus. This has inflicted a new wave of quarantine and social distancing. Also, summer is hitting the country and of course the world. There is no other option than staying indoors with your people. This might become boring sometimes but OTT platforms are doing their best to entertain people and their audiences.

Netflix movies

Netflix is concerned about its audiences. And thus, it has been adding more films, series, and TV shows to their library for the viewers. The pandemic has hit hard, not only to the shootings but it has hit the productions of already filmed movies. Now the streaming platform is trying hard to find gems out of their boxes to serve their audiences. Netflix has added, after the continuous efforts, the best movies earlier week for out of the same concern.

The Notebook

The Notebook is based on the novel that is written by Nicholas Sparks. It follows the story of a couple who meet while they are young. They develop a heart-touching romance that highlights the class difference during the fight. Because they both are separated. It is a film all about romance. This film stood against the test of time. The Notebook is considered worth a watch if one is looking for a cute, heart touching, beloved romance.


Next is Funan, which is French animated. It was first released in 2018. It is about a Cambodian Woman’s search for her child. She searches for her child after the child is forcefully taken from her by the fearsome communist party of the country, Khmer Rouge. After the success of the Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite, Netflix is interested in foreign entertainment businesses. 

Pride & Prejudice

Then here is another one that is Pride and Prejudice. It was first released in 2005. The film is one of the countless adaptations of the classic movie holding the same name. Pride & Prejudice was directed by Joe Wright and stars Keira Knightley with Talulah Riley, Jena Malone, and Rosamund Pike. The picture features one of the best love stories after Romeo and Juliet.

This might make you busy and entertained for at least a week.

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