Is The Old Guard On Netflix Up For Its Sequel Entertainment

Netflix Is Soon To Reveal Details About The Old Guard 2

Charlize Theron has teased some of the details of the plot regarding The Old Guard 2. Fans of The Old Guard by Netflix are very curious about what is in the bag for the characters after the first installment. The Old Guard is a graphic novel that is written by Greg Rucka and Leandro Fernandez. Greg Rucka has written the screenplay for the movie. 

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The movie follows Charlize Theron as Andy of Scythia. She is an old fighter who has the ability to regenerate. 

She heads the group of immortal beings. They altogether use their skills as warriors to fight the conflicts. And help people throughout the world. The mission is to rescue the kidnapped children in South Sudan. They find that there is an executive who wants to use them in pharmaceuticals. They also find a man named Nike who is like them. The film has got good critical reviews about the action scenes and of course about the LGBTQ representation.

The Old Guard 2 Will Have New Storyline

Is The Old Guard On Netflix Up For Its Sequel 2 Entertainment

After the success of The Old Guard on Netflix, people are curious to know about its sequel. The end of the movie suggests an adventure. Charlize Theron has also shared some of the details about the possible sequel on Late Night with Seth Meyers. The host Seth Meyers asked about the story. Theron said and expressed her excitement about the unexplored characters and new storylines. 

“The character of Quynh is kind of teasing in this. She’s Andy’s kind of right-hand person. She was, the two of them, were the first. There’s obviously a relationship there that we didn’t really explore in this film.”

Theron has also shared her enthusiasm for working with women on ser. Her co-star and director of the movie are females. The character of Queens will play a huge part in the sequel maybe. “So, I’m excited if we get the chance to make another one, to explore that because then we’re just adding another female into the mix, which I think will make it really interesting.” 

After the release of The Old Guard, it has become the most popular on Netflix. The film reached 72 million households in the first four weeks. The Old Guard is set to overtake the view count of Extraction on Netflix. And Netflix is sure that the sequel will be announced any day.

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