Jamie Foxx' Project Power on Netflix-the new favorite Entertainment

Netflix’s Project Power Writer hints a sequel

Project Power Sequel, Netflix’s Project Power has now topped the list of Top 10 most-watched in less than 24 hours. As soon as the acknowledgment started rolling, fans started demanding a sequel.

The company also isn’t shy at all for revealing few exclusive huge name properties of its own. The idea of a superhero thriller seems like an ideal choice for the launch of a multi-film series. All thanks to the new and unique concept which has plenty of mileage remaining. Also talking about the modern standard modest budgets $85 million.

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Project Power may have enfolded a self-contained story but it has purposely left the door opened for three main characters to return. Netflix will be looking into it given the early numbers it has received. However, the movie also had a very frustrating aspect that the base of the movie was scratched when it comes to the exploration of mythology and the origin of the drug.

Mattson Tomlin in a recent interview revealed that it was done deliberately as they were in the view of making a sequel.

“The animal kingdom is so nuts. And there’s a bunch of stuff that we came up with that didn’t end up in the movie that you know, will see the light of day if we are so lucky to do a sequel. We ended up where we ended up in, in large part because we wanted to be able to go somewhere if we’re lucky enough to do a sequel. For me, Power is an urban legend and people aren’t quite sure. And that means there’s a very exciting opportunity. How does the world change once everybody knows that this exists? It will change the fabric of how all of life is potentially lived. And I think that that’s a cool place to go.”

Here Is What First Impressions-Entertainment

Rumors regarding the spin-off series are already making news. The spin-off will focus on the effect of the drug outside the New Orleans’ confines. The drug has far more abilities than only providing the human with superhuman abilities for just 5 minutes. So, there exist a lot of follow-ups for Project Power to be followed. It has already made its position ahead of all Netflix’s upcoming franchises.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.