New Rules introduced by Oscars for Diversity in Best Pictures (2024) Entertainment

New Rules introduced by Oscars for Diversity in Best Pictures (2024)

Four new standards to be introduced by Oscars. There will be new rules introduced by the Oscars. Future films will be required to meet a minimum of two of these new standards so as to become eligible for Best Picture (2024). The Oscars are formally known as the Academy Awards and are managed by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Filmmakers work hard on the movies’ script to grab the attention of the Oscars as an Oscar night can either make or break the career of a movie. Although the Oscars take place at the end of February however due to the ongoing pandemic the 2021’s Oscars will happen in April and will have new rules introduced by Oscars.

These awards are quite controversial as more deserving or mainstream stories win over the other films in the bucket. However, even the movies in the Oscars have been criticized a lot due to a lack of diversity. This lead to the viral hashtag #oscarssowhite by April Reign (an activist). And, thus gave rise to new rules introduced by Oscars for diversity. No doubt there have been several attempts to diversify the awards. The South Korean film Parasite won the Best Picture 2020 and Moonlight (LGBTQ+) that featured the majority of the black cast in 2017. But there have been equally disastrous decisions taken as Green Book that won the 2019 Best Picture award was a “white savior” movie. 

4 new rules introduced by Oscars for diversity

Talking about the four new rules introduced by Oscars, these four standards include 1) On-screen representation, narratives, and themes 2) Project team and Creative Leadership 3) Industry Access and Opportunities, and 4) Audience Development. 

For a film to be covered under the Best Picture nomination wef 2024 will require a minimum of two of the standards out of the new rules introduced by Oscars. 

White Men have rules Hollywood whereas other people had to fight harder for getting their ways into the industry. There is the main role of power dynamics in the industry. Therefore, not much will alter due to the new rules introduced by Oscars.

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