The New Trend in DC Universe Green Arrow

“PARENTING” The new trend in the DC universe

What according to you is the “most inspiring” or “most popular” superhero? The most common names that will pop up in your minds are-Captain America, Ironman, or maybe Spiderman. The names that do not come to your mind are Oliver Queen who is usually outlooked as an accessory. Emerald Archer is usually not described or viewed as an “inspiration”. He is often looked up to as someone who would knock the boundaries of superheroes. 

Emerald Archer

The DC universe’ Myths

DC Universe’ myths have been busted out over a thousand years by the Legion of Super-Heroes. The New Earth has been built after the old one was destroyed, a whole planet has been assigned to Gotham City, Aquaman’s trident which had become lost with time and a mystery quest for that. An escalated confrontation between the Legion and members of the Science Police as they received an order to arrest him. Before the already escalated confrontation could take another step ahead, Brainiac appeared and had a sensible talk with them about the matter in dispute. 

Legion Of Super Heroes Green Arrow Sir Oliver

Brainiac said that since both the Legion and Science Police were on the same side and both expected to achieve common goals so they should consider collaborating to unveil what made them fight? She said, “…together. Because, to quote Sir Oliver Queen the Eleventh, if not us, who?”. This suggestion brought in a feeling of ease between both the parties.  

Super Heroes and their Lineage

Oliver Queen Dinah Lance

Till now, Oliver queen is childless and the common misunderstandings between him and Dinah Lance caused frequent breakups. Oliver indeed becomes a father, but what continues for centuries is a family line and it is what holds the highest esteem. Superman and Lois Lane have entered their Parenthood journey, and it seems that Batman and Catwoman are in the process of becoming parents. So, it is safe to say that Superheroes as parents is coming as a new trend in the DC universe.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.