The Reason Behind Zack Snyder 's Justice League Title Entertainment Trendingetc

The Reason Behind Zack Snyder ‘s Justice League Title

Just a few days after the release of Justice League Snyder cut, Zack Snyder revealed the reasons why the movie’s title has his name in it.

Zack Snyder ‘s Justice League, It’s a very proud and emotional moment for all DC fans around the world. The long-awaited release of Justice League Snyder Cut is finally here and it has surpassed all the expectations that the fans had. With amazing cinematography and action-packed scenes, the Snyder cut came out a blast.

Even if we had a whole day, we couldn’t state all the reasons why it was amazing, but there’s one thing that many people are wondering right now- why did Zack Snyder keep his in the film’s title? Justice League has been the star of Snyder’s sight for the DCEU, the first battle that the godly beings of earth fight against evil and he had a lot of plans to make it a masterpiece.

Unfortunately, all of that came to an unexpected halt when Zack Snyder’s daughter tragically died by suicide. Zack had to depart from the project and Joss Whedon was chosen as his replacement. Whedon was considered a perfect choice for Zack Snyder’s replacement as he had just received a lot of appreciation for his project “Avengers: Age Of Ultron.” Initially, Whedon was only supposed to direct the post-production but ended up making severe changes in the original movie, with the consent of Warner Bros.

Justice League’s Fate

Whedon’s version of Justice League was released in 2017 and got a blend of all sorts of reviews and the reasons were obvious. The audience was quickly able to grasp the changes in the movie as it was way different than Snyder’s traditional projects.

Credits – Warner Bros. Pictures

The fires of doubt were fueled by the numerous Whedon’s trademark scenes throughout the movie. The credits for the sole director of the movie were to be given to Zack Snyder, with Whedon getting the screenplay credit, however, everyone wondered how Snyder felt while receiving the credit, on the note that the movie was totally different from his vision.

Zack Snyder

Eventually, Snyder’s version of the Justice League got released and the story of our heroes finally got told the way they deserved. While it got a small of criticism for being 4 hours long, the appreciation it got far overweigh the negative responses.

During an interview with MTV News, Snyder was asked why he decided to leave his name with the theatrical cut of Justice League, and if he ever considered fighting to take his name off of the film.

He replied by saying, “Did I fight it? I don’t know if I even thought about it. I mean, in retrospect, maybe that would have been a thing I could’ve done, but my friends were all in it and everyone worked so hard. I never saw it. Maybe if I had seen it I might have wanted to take my name off it.” That being said, even if Snyder had decided to withdraw his name from the project, the film’s director would have been credited as Alan Smithee.

This is a procedure that is followed when a director withdraws their name from the project. Even if the theatrical cut and director’s cut of Justice League were polar opposites from each other, now it’s not a mystery why Zack never withdrew his name from the Film.