Scarlet is the Sidekick in Scarlet The Forgotten Sidekick Of The Red Hood Comics

Scarlet is the Sidekick in Scarlet: The Forgotten Sidekick Of The Red Hood

In recent years The Red Hood has had some unorthodox allies. Who is the real sidekick of Jason Todd’s Sidekick, is it Scarlet? Yes, Scarlet is the Sidekick.

For keeping some unusual company with himself, The Red Hood has become Notorious. Most of the time Red hood has some associates who are a part of his motley crew of “outlaws. But before the Outlaws there was one who was the real sidekick of Red hood it was Scarlet. Scarlet is the Sidekick.

Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely introduced Scarlett for the first time in their Batman and Robin #1. Before the entry of Scarlett, Red hood had Sasha as his sidekick, meaning Scarlet is the Sidekick. For having a new fresh start Sasha moved to Gotham City with his father, Sasha and her father were able to undertake this move thanks to her uncle, Lev, a petty crook who worked for Mister Toad and Professor Pyg.

Scarlet is the Sidekick and her father was doing things against the law and he barely escaped an encounter with Batman and his sidekick Robin. After being disclosed Father and Daughter decided to flee to Gotham City but in between the way out they were captured by Professor Pyg. That cruel villain planned to turn that young and her father into a human-sized doll While this attempt was successful on Sasha’s father, Sasha herself maintained to keep the control in her hands, as now Scarlet is the Sidekick.

Scarlet is the Sidekick in Scarlet The Forgotten Sidekick Of The Red Hood 2 Comics

Things got pretty secret when Sasha was taken to professor Pyg’s warehouse “Cirus of Strange” which is an abandoned circus. There Sasha took Robin’s help to get herself out of Pyg’s clasps. She got out of the hideout but she was never able to take that Dolltron Mask out of her face because she was so much traumatized that she thinks she will tear her face off if she sees her face. Both Sasha and her father were left looking like Dolltrons, leading the traumatized young woman to smother her father in his hospital bed.

Scarlet is the Sidekick of Hood and Joined Him in His Lethal Crusade

Soon after all this incident, Red Hood decided to approach Sasha as Scarlet is the Sidekick of Hood. He helped to take the fear out of her and then Sasha became the dangerous Scarlett Scarlet, joined the Hood in his lethal crusade against crime, as well as his attempts to supplant Batman and Robin in Gotham.

Scarlet is the Sidekick in Scarlet The Forgotten Sidekick Of The Red Hood 1 Comics

Scarlet is the Sidekick and was fighting against the crime but between all this, she has a grudge with the wonder boy as Robin was not able to help her to get out the Pyg’s circus of strange. 

So the Red Hood and Scarlet captured the dreadful duo of Batman and Robin but In no time they both were ambushed by and an assassin named Flamingo. Flamingo has no other intention his only intention was to get Batman and Robin save out of that place safely. Following these events, Scarlet was never seen or heard from again.

As an angry, traumatized ex-sidekick, the Red Hood certainly befriends similar individuals. Jason’s original sidekick, Scarlet, is a prime example of this parallelism.

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