Spiderman Uses The Beatles As A Superpower In His Battle Comics

Spiderman Uses The Beatles As A Superpower In His Battle

Spiderman Uses The Beatles for his purpose. When a Mystic Force tried to take over the streets of New York, Spiderman came to trade fists with some motivation coming from the Melodies of The Beatles.

In The Amazing Spiderman #850, Spiderman Uses The Beatles as the pump up the power. On the occasion of Spiderman’s anniversary issue surprises readers with Spiderman’s final and epic battle against the Sinister Sin-Eater. Webslinger’s long-time enemies, Green Goblin even joins the team to make this final battle more exciting. Nick Spencer takes help from artists Ryan Ottley, Humberto Ramos, and Mark Bagley to tell this adventurous tale. Readers in hope of experiencing more action will receive additional three stories at the end of the book, one of which contains several not-so-subtle references to the Fab Four.

Musicians have always been inseparable parts of the comic book industry. We have seen Veteran Artist from Jim Croce to Childish Gambino to the Barenaked Ladies using references to superheroes in their music. Some musicians chose different paths to become part of the comic book industry by featuring in the story or even writing one of them by themselves. In the story, we find Spiderman Uses The Beatles to save the day.

Readers have witnessed, Eminem crossing the Punisher, The band Kiss featuring their comic book series, and Gerard Way of the band My Chemical Romance created The Umbrella Academy. Being one of the most popular and favorite bands over the years, The Beatles have featured in so many comic book series and now Spiderman is taking all fun of their greatest hits. Spiderman uses The Beatles as his super strength.

Spiderman Uses The Beatles As A Notion In His Fight

The short story “All You Need Is…” by writer Kurt Busiek and artist Chris Bachalo starts with Peter Parker matching steps with his boss J.Jonah Jameson into the Metropolitan Museum of Art so that he can take photos of a new art exhibition. As they enter, a young boy crosses path with Peter, compliments his headphones, and in curiosity, he asks what he is listening to. To this Peter answers that he is listening to some old stuff and gives the name of two epic The Beatles songs.

This leads the conversation to praise The Beatles for their amazing work. This is how Spiderman Uses The Beatles. Unfortunately, this conversation was interrupted by Jameson, as he touches the display, a ruby called the Star of Capistan, and unknowingly unleashes the villain, Red Rajah, from captivity.

Spiderman Uses The Beatles As A Superpower In His Battle 1 Comics

With some supernatural power, Red Rajah posses Jameson’s body and plans to take over all humanity. Everyone in the museum is almost instantly absorbed into this unified mind, except for Spider-Man. The credit for saving Spidy goes to the new headphones as they emit a “discordant subsonic squeal” that keeps him from being possessed. The Webslinger jumps into the action, with The Beatles on his mind, and encounter ravenous strawberry monsters created by the Red Rajah in the Strawberry Fields memorial. 

Spiderman quickly feels proud of The Beatles as Spiderman Uses The Beatles as the key role in the fight. Luckily, the lyrics playing through his head give him a great idea and he embraces Jameson while shouting about peace and love. This enrages Jameson, whose hatred for Spider-Man ends up being powerful enough to break him from the Red Rajah’s sway. To save the world Spiderman decides to give the Ruby to someone who can take care of all the magic in it, he hands over to Doctor Strange and swings away as Jameson was already pissed about the Spider-Menace.

The story is a short one, but it’s certainly fun seeing the crazy amount of Beatles references that Busiek can toss in. The band’s music remains immensely popular and continues to spread a positive message to listeners. The Amazing Spiderman #850 clearly shows that John, Paul, George, and Ringo’s music can even help superheroes to win some great battles.

I let my art describe myself. From the age of 10 writing has been my superpower. This helped me to explore myself and made an introvert guy that there are many ways to express yourself.