Star Trek Deep Space Nine Predicted Future in the late 90s 2 Entertainment

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Predicted Future in the late 90s

There is an old episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine that has shown the world that this year along with the coming ones that are the 2020s will not be too great.

Star Trek Deep Space Nine, In the episode Past Tense, which was the first broadcast in 1995, Dr. Bashir, Commander Sisko, and Officer Jadzia Daxtravel travel in time to 2024. They meet with high levels of racism, homelessness, violence. Also, they see a lack of caring about the suffering of human beings.

They first arrived in San Francisco in 2024. They are shipped off to “Sanctuary District”, a walled-up camp that keeps the homeless people from the rest of the population.

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Predicted Future in the late 90s Entertainment

Once they reach there, Sisko realizes that they are just a few days away from the beginning of the infamous Bell Riots. This will see prisoners from the Sanctuary attempt to take over. And thus results in the death of many people  

There is a point where Dr. Bashir asks, “You know, Commander, having seen a little of the twenty-first century there is one thing I don’t understand. How could they have let things get so bad?”

Sisko replies, “That’s a good question. I wish I had an answer.”

Fans are now thinking that the movie had foreseen the future earlier. They have taken to social media to suggest that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was predicting the future. 

One of the social media users wrote, “It’s genuinely concerning that Star Trek is predicting the future. Look at what they predicted would happen in the 2020s in the past tense. Now I am counting the days until WW3.”

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Predicted Future in the late 90s 1 Entertainment

While the other jokes, “Drinking game: pour yourself a drink – watch the Star Trek: DS9 episode Past Tense (it shows the US on the edge of collapse in the early 21st century). Drink every time you realize how close to Past Tense we’re getting. Worry.”

Here is another one who wrote, “Star Trek Deep Space Nine’s two-parter, Past Tense, is a really scary look at a potential near future, and it even takes place in 2024.”

Someone suggested, “Ended up watching Star Trek Deep Space Nine Past Tense today while I was working and damn it hits differently this year.”

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