
Superman Defied Death

Superman’s death was recorded in The Death of Superman (1992 classic comic).

Superman died at the hands of Doomsday but returned successfully from the dead. It’s quite normal for the comic heroes to die and return to the world from the dead end. However, the killing of Superman who is one of DC’s Flagship characters also at that time was quite a big shock. The comic has always been looked at very fondly and has a huge fan following from the start. In 2018, Death of Superman got an animated adaptation but the storyline never complied with what happened inside the movie. Superman never died in the movie. So, How exactly Superman defied death?

Doomsay acted as a great player in making huge schemes to defeat the members of the Justice League. He was even successful in defeating most of them. Due to his reason he became ‘Doomsday’ from ‘Booster Gold’. After defeating most of the Justice League, Doomsday tried to end Superman. Superman was the only one left to fight with the supervillain Doomsday.

Death and Return of Superman

The fight was a tough one but at last, Superman came out to be victorious. However, he eventually succumbed to his injuries at the end. The later part of the story dealt with Superman’s Funeral and ‘The Reign of Superman’. In ‘The Reign of Superman’, four different heroes appeared and all them portrayed themselves as the real Superman. They behaved as if the real Superman returned to life. Out of these four imposters, two were actual superheroes and the other two were Superman Villains. The two who were the Superheroes themselves were Conner Kent and John Henry Irons. Conner kent was a superboy, basically Superman’s teenage clone. While John Henry Irons was none other than Iron Man himself. On the other hand, the Super-Villains were Eradicator and Hank Henshaw. Cyborg Superman is another name of Hank Henshaw.

Hank Henshaw

Out of these two villains, Eradicator is still in some way nobler than Cyborg. Eradicator maybe while acting like a good guy became one. He kept Superman’s body in a healing matrix so that he could get his strength back and be alive again. All this he did in private. While Cyborg, on the other hand, had planned to rule the earth with another evil friend Villain Mongul. They both started attacking Earth and selected Coast City as their primary target. However, the reporter Lois Lane always knew from the start that these two claiming to be superman were Villains.

Mongula and Henshaw’s plan to attack Coast City was a bad idea. By attacking there it would mean that they would have to fight the awakened Superman and his Family. And not to forget in their way was standing the frustrated Green Lantern. The Original Superman who defied death was successful at defeating both Henshaw and Mongula.

Cyborg Superman and Green Lantern’s Rivalry

Cyborg Superman and Green Lantern

Cyborg Superman and Green Lantern became rivals as Green Lantern was filled with anger after the Cyborg Superman destroyed the Coast City. This will eventually end up being one of the most talked Green Lantern storylines in the history of comics. But as for now, Man of Steel can be at rest as he had come out of the mouth of death. And it’s no easy thing.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.