Valheim Update

Swimming Pools May Be The Next Big Thing In Valheim

The swimming pool in Valheim are the perfect hangout place for Vikings.

Forever battle-ready Vikings get tired from their extensive fighting and hence need a place to rest in order to replenish their depleted might and that’s where swimming pools come in. Imagine a poolside party for Vikings which has all the commodities including barbeque, lounge, and a hot tub, now imagine your avatar enjoying themselves there (which is basically you partying digitally). The latest reports suggest that an interesting build in Valheim is attracting a lot of gamers to check it out. Not only that but there are a number of Valheim builds that have gathered a huge audience for themselves and every single one of them will blow your mind just by thinking about them. These incredible builds include a flying (only seemingly) futuristic airship, a spa room build (a pool party structure), and a copy of Fable 2’s Fairfax Castle. Let’s find out more about them in detail.

Valheim Swimming Pool

Valheim’s Most Creative Builds

A Redditor who goes by the tag “_-GHo5T-“, has recently revealed that he has managed to pull off what basically can be described as the most attractive builds of Valhiem. He reveals that he has managed to build an interesting hangout place for Valheim’s Vikings which has a backyard pool with proper rest zones and on top of that, a hot tub. The perimeter of the build is made beautiful with glowing mushrooms kept inside wooden casings. If you take a closer look at his build, you’ll find crazy clever ideas crawling all over the place. The player invested nearly 3 hours to complete his build from scratch which is insane considering how wonderful his build actually was.

He also revealed that he is a contractor for buildings and therefore his real-life experience greatly contributed to accomplishing his project. Since he is a professional, he plans to release a tutorial build for his project to help the inexperienced players to help them build similar projects. Apart from his swimming pool build, the player was also involved in other amazing projects like a futuristic airship that appears to be floating because of an easily re-creatable glitch, but his most intriguing build is a replica of the famous Fairfax Castle from Fable 2 which is almost as same as the original.

Valheim Pool Update

As it turns out, making pools in Valheim is pretty easy, you just have to dig down until the water level is hit. Because of their incredible design, these builds may inspire the developers to include similar features in updates for the game and soon we would have prebuilt party places all over Valheim’s map.