The Boys Hughie Left The Team and Became A Real Threat 2 Entertainment

The Boys: Hughie Left The Team and Became A Real Threat

The finale episode of The Boys’ second installment showed a key member, Hughie left the team and surprisingly going to join the Enemies.

The starting of The Boys season showed a real heartbreak where Hughie lost his girlfriend, Robin after A-train took her life. This gave him a real motive to join The Boys and help them to take Supes and Billy Butcher down. But the ending of the season 1 served something else, it’s showed Hughie chose not to kill A-team. Since them a lot changed in him, now his real motive is to survive in the wake of becoming a criminal and this caused some differences between him and Billy. In the end, Hughie Left The Team.

The Boys Hughie Left The Team and Became A Real Threat 1 Entertainment

After a whole season at the end of the season, 2 Hughie Left The Team and joins Congresswoman Victoria Neuman. However, Hughie is still unaware of the fact that Neuman is the actual sure who took the life of deputy director of the CIA Susan Raynor and attacked a Congressional hearing on Vought International, murdering several high-profile people in the process.

Hughie Left The Team And Serving Neumam Was Dangerous For Young Man

Hughie Left The Team and this all is the result of what happened in the final episode. After showing the real face of Stormfront to the world and stopping Vought to execute their plan, The Boys find themselves in a situation where they don’t have any criminal records. The final episode of season 2 sets different paths for each character and their future in season 3 still have some dirt on them. However, Hughie talks with Starlight — who has since been publically cleared of Homelander’s claim that she was a traitor — and explains that he believes it’s time for him to leave The Boys, as it’s not what he wants to be doing. He also doesn’t want to cling to things. 

That hints that he is willing to strengthen his relationship with Starlight as he thinks that’s not something he wants to give up.

The Boys Hughie Left The Team and Became A Real Threat Entertainment

This took him to Neuman’s office in the search of a job and surprisingly She hires him but the capacity of time is still not clear. Neuman is, though, secretly funneling money to a task force led by Colonel Grace Mallory designed to keep an eye on Supes, so that may be part of it. But Still, Hughie has no idea that Neuman is the one behind the villain’s mask. And top of that, the blame of Raynor’s murder is now on Starlight’s head and he is also blamed for the attack on the congressional hearing, so that means no one thinks Neuman has any kind of dirt on his hands. 

Hughie Left The Team but serving Neuman can be very dangerous for the Young Man. A large part of Season 3 then seems like it will be dedicated to exploring the mystery of her powers and her motivations, but now Hughie’s role in that investigation has gotten a lot larger.

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