Infinity Stone Facts

The Facts About Marvel’s Infinity Stones

Infinity Stones are definitely considered one of the most important and significant parts of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but there are some details that are left unsaid about the infinity stones.

With some minute details left off the hook, most of the storyline of one of the biggest projects in the movie industry (especially in terms of continuation and linking of stories from one to another) Marvel did a great job. The entire build-up of concept along the line of the story of various movies and characters and leading it all to the relevance of Infinity Stones is something of a very high caliber. While MCU did a fantastic job of covering as much matter as possible, some of the details related to Infinity Stones were still left and some questions were unanswered.

Infinity Stones MCU

Here is some relevant information about the Infinity Stone, do give it a read.


The origin stories of the stone are very different in comic books and movies. While the movies try to simplify the concept by explaining the origin of stones through The Big Bang Theory while the comics on the contrary have an entirely different theory. According to the comics, Infinity Stones actually originated from the parallel universe named ‘Celestial’ which is also responsible for many of the super-beings including the mutant X-gene.


The comics had this theory of Infinity Stones being created by a cosmic entity called ‘Nemesis’. Apparently, she was the only living entity initially but soon became lonely, and to cut through her loneliness she killed herself and created these stones.


Back in 1974, when the concept and theory of Infinity Stones came to life, they were in a very different form as to what they are today. Only one stone, called the soul stone was unveiled but later on, the concept got modified and they described the infinity stones to be ‘6’ in number but all were soul stones. The gems were from then on, modified and recreated from time to time especially since the entry of Thanos.


The Power Stone In Marvel

This one was 1st revealed during the ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ and provides its owner with immensely unbelievable power and betters defensiveness, attacking ability and durability, and resistance. What the movie doesn’t reveal is that this also provides its owner with the ability to control all forms of power that exist throughout the universe.


This emerald green colored stone which was original of orange color (in the comics) and has tremendous powers that are beyond that of just manipulation. The person having the time stone has the powers to control the flow of the present, past, and future, and also he/she can travel between them at his/her will. But what was left out was that in comic books, this is known to have powers of omniscience and see and control the ongoing or events that happened or are going to happen in the present, past, and future.

The Time Stone In MCU


This is the most mysterious and certainly very misunderstood stone of the MCU world and was considered to bear a mind of its own and it actually did and it took The Avengers a great deal of struggle and the life of Black Widow to actually obtain this one. But, this too had something that was left out and that is that it has a connection to a parallel dimension known as Soul World.

The Soul Stone


This one was first introduced in Thor: The Dark World and the story behind it were clearly curtailed and was hidden in the MCU movies. The stone has high powers of manipulation and the ability to defy the laws of physics. This one actually demands you to make a wish and then fulfills it and the reality actually revolves around the person who wears it.

Reality Stone In MCU


In the concept of movies, this one is supposed to grant immense powers to Loki and he’ll then demand the services of others but later on, it was cleared that the others (staff of Loki) also has the mind stone attached to them and it started to underwent a fusion reaction with Ultron AI to create what we know as Vision. The comic book version had a little more powers because it also increased the psychic powers and also enhance mental acuity.

The Mind Stone


This is better known to MCU fans by the name ‘Tesseract’. This was the first introduced in the first part of avengers movies called “The Avengers” and is what Loki was trying to steal from the possession of S.H.I.E.L.D. This had high-intensity powers and ended up opening a portal in New York City through which Thanos’s army could enter and also this is how Loki could escape from the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. What wasn’t told was that this also gave the bearer powers to be present at all points in time and space.

The Space stone aka Tesarract


The concept of Infinity Stones is quite clear to fans now but what most of them are unaware of is that there are various other stones too like Ego, Continuity, Death stones. While Ego stone serves the purpose of a vessel that holds the connection of Nemesis consciousness, the Death stone was created for the sole purpose of killing Thanos. The Continuity stone was made to allow the Deadpool characters to break the 4th wall.