Blank Panther The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier’s Secret Cameo Will Not Be T’Challa

It won’t be Chadwick Boseman’s T’Challa

Disappointing many fans, Marvel has confirmed that the long-awaited, secret cameo of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, episode 5, will not be Chadwick Baseman’s T’Challa. This revelation has debunked many theories that claimed that we shall once again get to see T’Challa on screen. With the series coming to an end there has been anticipation regarding how the series will conclude, along with this fans are also predicting who will make the ultimate surprise appearance in the 5th episode.

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Message
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

A mysterious cameo has been teased time and again over the last several weeks by the cast and crew members. However, the fans are careful to not get their hopes up as they’ve been disappointed before with the lack luster guest star of Wanda Vision, who turned out to be Paul Bettany himself playing White Vision. Although being cautious about not over-hyping the cameo of episode 5, the fans have been speculating a lot, coming up with new theories as the series progresses to an end.

While talking to Vanity fair, marvel producer Nate Moore gave the disappointing news that Boseman’s Panther will not be seen in The Falcon and the Winter soldier. In light of the Black Panther actor’s passing in 2020,after fighting a long drawn battle with cancer, the Marvel studio is being extremely sensitive and careful while handling the character of T’Challa.

Nate Moore said,

No. I can say. That is not going to happen. I would be honest if it was. Chad’s passing is a whole life thing, and I loved the guy as much as the character. I think we have to be very careful and thoughtful about when he appears because he meant so much to a lot of people as much as he meant to us. But yeah, we wouldn’t use that as a ‘Come next week; maybe you’ll see Panther!’ We wouldn’t, and he’s not.”

Why Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Black Panther is related

Falcon and the winter soldier and Wakanda is related since they have been heavily influential in Bucky’s healing. At the end of Captain America: Civil war, Steve Rogers leaves his best friend, Bucky for refuge in the advanced nation. It was claimed that Bucky was properly rehabilitated, both in the post-credit scene of l Black Panther and in the Marvel Studios Disney+ series. This connection was further confirmed when Ayo showed up after Zemo’s jailbreak. Although the Wakandans are now a part of The Falcon and Winter Soldier, their king will not make an appearance.

Black Panther Wakanda

As far as Black Panther 2 is concerned, T’Challa will not be recast. The producers claimed that the late actor would have wanted them to continue with the movie, and that is what they will be doing. The film will move forward with the rest of the cast and Ryan Coogler. However, it is still a big question as to how they’ll further the plot line without the king of Wakanda or how the writers will explain what happened to him.