
The Good Side Of Spiderman Having So Many Mentors

MCU’s Spiderman has faced a lot of criticism for having too many mentors but that’s actually a good thing.

MCU’s Spider-Man has been an amazing character so far and Tom Holland has definitely nailed the classic Peter Parker behaviour in the movies making them much more fun for veteran fans. Despite his awesomeness, MCU’s Spider-Man has been subjected to much criticism over the fact that he has been under the wing of quite a few other superheroes. Fans express their dissatisfaction with this feat stating that having so many mentors is not healthy for the character and his development in his story. Spiderman made his debut in the MCU under the guidance and supervision of Tony Stark, Iron Man himself. Although the circumstances were a little bit messed up at that time, it has been repeatedly depicted that Mr. Tony Stark had a lot of faith in the potential of the young hero.

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Now the third installment of Spider-Man’s story, “Spiderman: No Way Home” is about to become to theatres soon and there’s already so much hype for it. Along with all the love and appraisal, the movie has also received a little bit of criticism from the fans because of the notion that the hero is getting yet another superhero as his mentor. This time it is going to be none other than the Master of Mystic Arts, The Sorcerer Supreme- Dr. Strange. While the fans are getting more and more excited thinking about all the possibilities of how his role will play out in the movie, they are also feeling that this would prevent Spider-Man from “Manning Up” in the MCU.

Spiderman Mentor

Spiderman And His Mentors

So far, Spiderman had Iron Man or his gadgets to help him out of difficult situations, meaning that we still haven’t witnessed the independent hero Spider-Man like the one in the Comics. Spiderman has always been a solo act kind of a superhero, though the reason behind this is deeply righteous. He believes that if he can deal with villains without any team-ups, he can avoid getting any of his companions from getting hurt, meaning he cares deeply about everyone’s safety. This is undoubtedly the trait of a hero but there is still a whole lot of things that Peter Parker needs to learn before stepping into the shoes of some of the greatest superheroes and for that he definitely requires guidance or mentorship from other heroes.

Despite his awesome abilities and his sharp mind and the fact that he has fought against the avengers, battled villains like Vulture and Thanos, travelled through space, and has been erased out of existence and revived, he is still a 16-year-old kid and children at that tender age are bound to make mistakes. Having a mentor looking over him gives him the perfect opportunity to live up to the motivating words of his beloved Uncle, “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibilities.”

Having A Lot Of Mentors Is A Blessing

Even in the course of the comics, Spiderman has received guidance from some of the biggest superheroes in Marvel comics. Iron Man has always acknowledged his smartness and his knowledge of scientific attributes. Doctor Strange has supported him in some of the toughest times of his life, giving him the push he needed to go on. Even Captain America has ushered his famous “No, You Move” speech to him during the events of “Civil War” when he had a change of heart and switched sides.

Having a mentor will only help the young hero to get molded into greatness and inspire hope through his actions, it would in no way stop the expansions of the hero’s horizons. With most of the original avengers gone, a new generation of heroes is coming and young Peter is among those few who can protect the Earth. There’s even the possibility that someday he would lead a new generation of heroes as the leader of the Avengers and so in order to reach that level of perfection, he needs to learn from the bests and that a role his mentors would play in the MCU.