The Reverse-Flash is now The Flash Comics

The Reverse-Flash is now The Flash

The Reverse-Flash has assembled the throng of Zoom to defeat Barry Allen, The Flash, and Fastest Man alive. In Flash #755, Eobard Thawne warned Barry that one day he would have his own family just like Barry’s family: A Reverse-Flash Family. This guide in the Legion of Zoom which had the greatest villains Barry had ever seen. So, in Flash #758, Barry found himself in some real trouble, and just then Thawne told him about the remaining plan which was the worst part. And since then Barry no longer wanted to be like Flash.

The Legion of Zoom

The Legion of Zoom had Trickster, Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Glider, and the Turtle. Thawne pulled all of them from different eras. He promised them they will never be bothered by the Flash. When the Legion of Zoom attacked Barry he rethought his decision and decided to think like Thawne did to beat him in his game. He then sends her family faraway so that Thawne couldn’t reach them.

Meanwhile, Barry was attacked by the Tornado Twins, Dawn, and Don as well as his rogued future children. They knocked out Barry on the street where the remaining Legion was present. While they all were beating Barry one by one, Thawne reached there with another plan. He tells the story of how he wanted to be The Flash, but Barry was hard to replace. Thawne then started to vibrate at a higher frequency and ran into Barry.

The Reverse-Flash is now The Flash 1 Comics

Thawne’s desire to become The Flash

Thawne took over Barren’s body just like Doctor Octopus did to Spiderman’s body. He had become what he always wanted to become, The Flash. He then left Legion of Zoom and left to take care of his family: Barry’s family.

When Reverse-Flash announced that he was going back to take care of his family, it seems like he was referring to Legion of Zoom. However, we realized that since now he was The Flash, he had to take care of Barry’s family. But for how long will Thawne remain The Flash? This will be answered as soon as The Flash resumes.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.