Room Netflix


The Plot Of Room Takes You Through Emotional Rides

“Sometimes it’s scary. But that’s ok. Because it’s still just you and me…” These words make us feel what it is to be in the real world. We are scared. But when our hands are held by the most precious people in life, we tend to overcome that fear. That is what the mother-son relationship in ‘Room’ tells us.

Room (2015), starring Brie Larson and Jacob Tremblay, is a story about a girl named Joe and her 5-year-old son, Jack who are locked up in a room. Joe had been confined to the place for the last 7 years. She was kidnapped by a man named Old Nick when she was 17. After 2 years, she gave birth to her son. The film reflects upon the virtual world Jack lives in and a hopeless mother who has not still lost all the hopes to a better life.


Brie Larson Room Movie 2015

Room is a moving story. At one point, a person might feel overwhelmed and would not wish to handle multiple emotions, but it leaves a positive note towards the end. Joe is being raped on a daily basis by Old Nick who also leaves necessities and supplies for the two of them. This disrupts her mentally and physically.

We can see her face with not so many ‘expressions’ and the burden of troubles in her body.  Jack, on the other hand, seems to be a lively child who lives in a world of ‘made up things’ as told by his mother. He believes that there is no world outside that room and that, TV characters are all drawn and fake. A child’s mentality would not be able to handle the reality where he and his mother live. But after Jack turns five, Joe tries to explain everything to him. 


While watching the film, one might always think about the consequences or the next step of terror. But it would leave you unexpected from what you might expect to happen. We cannot take the picture away from our minds about how one might live in a small place for so long. But Joe and Jack proved to have wronged this theory. A 5- year old child who did not even know the reality until yesterday was ready to take down the Old Nick and call for help. And he did succeed! But the life after leaving the place of birth was neither easy for Joe nor for Jack.

Room Netflix Movie 2015

For Joe, life had become better, but the terror of achieving happiness again and losing years to a frightened life was always there. She was mentally disturbed and needed space for her son too. Jack, on the contrary, was not much excited after leaving the room and entering a world with trees, animals, houses, and people. He wanted to go back with her mother where he belonged. But his efforts to adapt to the place were no less. And at last, they both did well!


Brie Larson Netflix Movie 2015

Why do bad things happen to good people? The room will make you question that. The unfortunate pattern of things happening in the movie leaves us in awe but also gives the message of having hope in the worst times. The innocence of a child in Jack and his theories about the world acted as Joe’s motivation. A brave and strong child with many and many questions reflects how innocent he was. “The world’s always changing brightness and hotness. And there’s invisible germs floating everywhere. When I was small, I only knew small things. But now I’m five, I know everything!”