Avengers Infinity War Main Characters Entertainment

The Strongest Avengers of all times in Marvel Universe

Avengers is the team of the most powerful characters of the world’s Marvel Comics. Earth’s Mightiest heroes as they are called but who is the mightiest? 

The answer to this question is different for the Comics and the MCU. The reason is that there are way more characters. Thor considers himself as the strongest while trying to enter the quinjet in Thor:Ragnarok. But the ship gives the title to Hulk. Hulk has definitely proved to be the strongest. He could sustain the snap of the Infinity Gauntlet in the Avengers Endgame.


What changed Captain Marvel Brie Larson Entertainment

The other point of view has been completely ignored. Captain Marvel as strong as she is portrayed in her original film, she has actually proved it. In the Avengers Endgame final war in Marvel Universe, she solely destroyed the entire mothership of Thanos. She proved that she has no match for the Mad Titan. She did it when Thanos was equipped with all the six stones. Hulk and Thor were easily defeated by Thanos when he had only one stone in the starting of Avengers Infinity War.

The Comics

Powerful Hulk

The Comics cater a different aspect. Hulk, though eliminated by the MCU definitely stands a chance in the comics. His powers are limitless and he lifted a mountain which weighed a billion tons. In his strongest form as Hulk World War his steps caused earthquakes. Obviously nobody else stands a chance, right? Wrong.

Sentry has the power of million exploding suns. He is mentally unstable and that’s what limits his power. When Tony Stark persuades him to use his powers to stop Hulk’s rampage that is when his strength comes into light. 

The battle ended with Sentry ending up unconscious. His strength had withered away with the exertion. But it was before he knew about his power to manipulate molecules. In the next fight of Hulk and Sentry it is more likely that Sentry would win. That is how he will be called the strongest avenger of all time.