The Suicide Squad Plotline

The Suicide Squad Leaked Plot Details

Potential Spoilers

In a first, a successful MCU director James Gunn, famous for the Guardians of the Galaxy movie series, has hopped on board to save the sinking ship that is the DCEU. Being no different to making movies on a group of trigger-happy gun-slinging misfits who are forced together by destiny to save the day, James Gunn is working on his Suicide Squad movie simply called “The Suicide Squad”, which happens to be “requel” (a sort of reboot and a sequel) of David Ayer’s box office bomb Suicide Squad (2016) with many characters reprising their respective roles.

As often with superhero-movies, their plot gets leaked online some of which is legit while some of which is mostly fans making an educated guess after careful inspection of trailers and set photos. Here is a round-up of all the leaked plot details of The Suicide Squad:

The Suicide Squad

Warning: If you don’t want potential spoilers, turn back now

  1. Amanda Waller, played by Viola Davis, is back at it again with the Suicide Squad.
  2. Savant, a vigilante computer hacker played by Michael Rooker, has assumed the role of the captain of the team.
  3. The Suicide Squad is divided into two: Suicide Squad A and Suicide Squad B
  4. Suicide Squad B consists of, Peacemaker played by John Cena, Bloodsport played by Idris Elba, Polka-Dot Man played by David Dastmalchian, Ratcatcher 2 played by Daniela Melchior, and King Shark voiced by Sylvester Stallone.
  5. The whole team is sent in blind to the island of Corto Maltese and given one instruction: Don’t attack first.
  6. The Suicide Squad A and Suicide Squad B land on the opposite side of the island.
  7. Once Squad A lands, the Weasel, portrayed by Sean Gunn, apparently drowns as the Suicide Squad didn’t know that he couldn’t swim.
  8. Pete Davidson’s character Blackguard, a mercenary who is easily manipulated into ruining his own schemes, rats out the Suicide Squad A and immediately gets shot in the face for starting an assault resulting in Squad A being wiped off except for Rick Flag, played by Joel Kinnaman, and Harley Quinn, played by Margot Robbie, who is captured.
  9. Squad B, which is on the other end of the island, has a mission to destroy some Intel inside a science laboratory which is run by The Thinker, played by Peter Capaldi, and the dictator of Corto Maltese, Silvio Luna, played by Juan Diego Botto.
  10. King Shark almost eats Ratcatcher 2 while Peacemaker and Bloodsport attack a base and kill hundreds in a pissing contest to see who has the better aim but end up finding that they just killed a bunch of rebels.
  11. Harley becomes a sort of “trophy-girlfriend” of the dictator and they share a brief romantic sequence. She ends up shooting the dictator in the heart and then gets arrested and tortured.
  12. Rick Flag meets up with Suicide Squad B and they decide to get save Harley and then get the Intel.
  13. The Thinker is taken hostage by the Suicide Squad B and then they have a driver deliver them to the prison where Harley Quinn is being held. Harley ends up breaking out of the prison on her own before they get a chance to save her.
  14. The Suicide Squad B, now joined by Rick Flag and Harley Quinn, arrives at the lab and learns about Starro and the level of threat he is to humanity. It is revealed that Starro was under US control and Amanda Waller had a major role in it. Instead of destroying the Intel, a pissed Rick Flag decides to leak the Intel to the world.
  15. Rick Flag and Peacemaker end up having a stand-off because Peacemaker has made a special deal with Amanda Waller which guarantees his freedom if he is successful in destroying the Intel.
  16. Meanwhile, Harley Quinn, King Shark, and Polka-Dot Man have been planting bombs and they accidentally set one-off, splitting up the stand-off between Rick Flag and Peacemaker.
  17. Once the dust settles, Peacemaker and Rick Flag start fighting which ends in Rick Flag’s death.
  18. Starro is set loose on the world.
  19. Bloodsport shoots Peacemaker in the head.
  20. A huge fight ensues where Starro takes over the militia and then goes on to destroy the island.
  21. Amanda Waller tells the Suicide Squad that the mission is accomplished and orders them to leave or be blown up.
  22. The Suicide Squad refuses to leave and they buckle up to face the giant Starro.
  23. Harley Quinn has a brush with death and Polka-Dot Man dies.
  24. Amanda Waller decides not to blow them up and the Bloodsport still leaks the files.
  25. The end credit scene shows Weasel onshore having survived drowning and missed all the action.
Harley Quinn The Suicide Squad

What do you think about these spoilers? Do they fit in with the trailers? Are they legit in your opinion or simply educated guesses? The Suicide Squad is surprisingly scheduled for an August 6, 2021 release date. For more on The Suicide Squad and upcoming DCEU movies, check out our website.

The firstborn of house Kamikaze, the first of his name, lover of fiction, reader of books, reviewer of movies, knower of nothing, serial escapist.