Thor snaps in the Avengers Endgame fan-art Entertainment

Thor snaps in the Avengers: Endgame fan-art

Thor uses the snap to succeed over Thanos in Avengers: Endgame fan-art. It’s been very long since Anthony and Joe together directed any film that was a blockbuster hit. However, this particular movie is still popular among fans. It hasn’t lost its charm to date. It winded up the Infinity and ultimately served as a culminating song for few Marvel heroes. The God of Thunder’s adventures continues to happen in the fourth phase unlike Captain America, Black Widow, and Iron Man.

Thor: Ragnarok

It’s not been an easy ride for Thor these few years. From his father’s death to the demolition of his house in Thor: Ragnarok, he saw his people dying in front of his eyes. And the remaining galactic population died at the hands of Thanos. Out of all the remaining heroes, Thor was greatly affected by Avengers’ loss to the Mad Titan. As he was on a personal level very close to beat him down. However, he failed and that left him thinking all about negative things. He was so disturbed that he even decided to leave his superhero life forever and to live the rest of his life like a vagrant.

During the time of time heist’s idea, he wasn’t fully normal. He was still recovering and often had panic attacks. Thor went back being the old Thor only when Endgame’s final battle began. He realized the fact that how important it was for them to beat and win over Thanos.  The latest fan-art by Camille Vialet takes Thor’s commitment to stop Thanos from creating any kind of destruction to the MCU. In the fan-art, Thor wore the gauntlet and snapped his finger to destroy all the villain and his minions, once and for all. 

Super Hulk selected to execute the Snap

Thor offered to protect all six Infinity stones in Endgame. Meanwhile, the Avengers discussed who would wear the gauntlet and bring back people who lost their lives due to Thanos’ snap. Thor was desperate to get this opportunity as he wanted to end Mad Titan’s genocide. But no was ready to give this opportunity as they weren’t sure of his mental state. They believed that Thor wasn’t ready enough to fight the battle. They didn’t want to lose the chance as they believed it to be their last one. At last, Smart Hulk wore the metal glove and he didn’t die while executing the snap. Thor if wore the metal glove would also have survived and succeeded in the task given. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the one chosen for the task.

Since Infinity Saga has culminated, Thor is now free to experience some more adventures. He is finally free from his responsibilities as a King of Asgard. So, he is free to do whatever he wants.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.