Thor Takes Last Breath, This Is How He Sees His End Comics

Thor Takes Last Breath, This Is How He Sees His End

Thor may be the God of Thunder, but even God has to see his end. But even, Thor takes last breath. According to Norse mythology, Thor will die in Ragnarok but Marvel Comics has some different theories.

Thor is not just a Marvel Comics character, but a character based on Norse Mythology. While the Mythological Thor was never supposed to team up with Ironman and other Avengers, but still myths of Norse have some influence on the life of the God of Thunder in Marvel Comics. And Thor takes last breath in the Marvel Comics.

The most enduring story from the Norse Mythology is the end of the God of Thunder while having a climactic final battle with the fire Gaint Sutr. Marvel has given many hints about Thor’s death in Ragnarok but never given a definite answer. Because of the prophecy made in Norse mythology, it is still unclear that if Thor is capable of delaying death till Ragnarok. During the final battle, Thor takes last breath.

The time when Thor just saw his end was in the climax of Walt Simonson’s run, which takes place from Thor # 380-382, wherein the Prince of Asgard does battle with the serpent Jormungand, who is fated to kill Thor during Ragnarök. Thor somehow defeats the serpent but because of the curse given by the goddess of death Hella, he was not able to escape his death. Simonson’s Thor is considered to be the purest version of the character as he was the only one who ever merged the myths and the comic version of the character. Thor takes last breath and won’t be escaping.

Thor Takes Last Breath, How He Sees His End?

Thor Takes Last Breath, This Is How He Sees His End 1 Comics

But at the end of Simonson’s run, Thor escapes his death and Asgard remains safe. Year later In Thor vol.2 #85 the God of Thunder once again encountered his death, when he puts a stop in Ragnarok permanently. This run revealed that people of Asgard has died numerous time and been reborn multiple times in Ragnarok, which was caused by a mysterious group of gods called “Those Who Sit Above in Shadow” who feed off the cycle of destruction and rebirth to empower themselves. 

It is revealed in Thor vol.3 Thor was able to restore Asgardians after he destroys the world tree connecting the Nine realms and with that, he breaks Asgardians from the cycle of Ragnarok.

The final, fate of God of Thunder is hidden in the latest Jason Aaron’s run on Thor. According to the Marvel Comic version Thor is supposed to die after he becomes all Father of Asgard after succeeding his father Odin. Meaning, Thor takes last breath.

In this future timeline, Thor is going to rule the nine realms for countless centuries, until the time when there is no life left in the whole universe other than Wolverine and the God of Thunder by himself.

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