Tony Stark And Wanda

Tony Stark Was Right About Wanda Being A Threat

WandaVision has proved that Tony Stark was right about Wanda being a threat. Scroll down to know the details.

In Captain America: Civil War, Tony Stark realizes what a threat Wanda can be. She is not in control of her powers and Tony is fearful of the consequences. Iron Man realized that the accidental murder of hundreds of civilians could just be a start to what the powers of Scarlet Witch can do. Westview incident is completely proving his fear to be rational. Tony Stark was right about Wanda. Find out how!

Tony Stark

Wanda is disturbed by the fear and hate people have because of her powers and abilities. Vision is trying to talk her up by sharing his enigma of the mind stone. He talks about his desire to control and manage the powers of the stone and the impact it has on him and his life. A little like mirroring what Wanda is going through because of her powers. Wanda doesn’t know the limits of her power, WandaVison finally showed Vision and herself getting closer with him trying to convince her that these restrictions are for safety and for the good of a bigger picture.

Tony Stark was right about Wanda and though it seems cruel and a strong decision, the control of Accords is something that is important to keep the team together.