FIFA 21 VAR System

VAR in FIFA 21?

FIFA 21 will be out this October. EA franchise sports’ Fans are already excited about the new game and can’t keep their excitement of using the new features. 

Every year, while discussing the improvements or any kind of additions, the pros and cons of the game are also discussed by the gamers. The kind of new features needed in the next year’s launch is also discussed.  

What is VAR?


VAR refers to Video Assistant Referees. VAR assists the referee so as to infer if there is any infringement. It means if the goal should be granted or not. Just as the ball crosses the line, play is interrupted so it would not have a direct impact on the game. It’s a gameplay feature whose discussion began since it was tested as an improvement of the conducting team a few years back. 

Will there be a VAR in FIFA 21?

No, VAR won’t be a feature in FIFA 21. This is despite it being strongly inserted into the structure of professional football over the world. 

The decision to not include VAR as a new feature in the new game is just a matter of priorities. As other features of the game are given priority over the VAR feature by the EA Sports.  

In an interview, EA’s gameplay producer, Sam Rivera talked about VAR

“Regarding VAR, it’s a very good question, but the answer is no. In a video game, what it would be adding to the experience isn’t very important at this time – the system knows if a challenge is a foul or not, so we decided to focus on areas which we consider higher priority.”

“That doesn’t mean it won’t arrive in the future, but there are no plans to include it in FIFA 21.”

Mbappe Fifa 21 Cover

As suggested, the addition of VAR will be an entirely aesthetic touch. This is because the AI of the game is accountable for the kind of human error as a real-life referee.  

Moreover, FIFA 21 will not showcase empty stadiums as is the case of the reality of the stadiums right now due to coronavirus pandemic. 

The developer of the game wants to create and show football “in its best and purest form”.

Will VAR be included in the next FIFA?

If VAR remains an installation in professional football, the probability of it being inserted in future FIFA games. Also, one of the main observations for the developers is to create a brand-new edition to make FIFA experience a real and interesting one.  

However, the integration of VAR remains the question as the computer doesn’t make any errors concerning the offsides or fouls.

Gary Lineker, the former England International gave his views on the VAR in an interview.

He said, “I told them what I think VAR should be. The referee on the pitch needs a mate sitting with all these monitors. He’s watching the game and he lets it go, lets it go, and then he says:

‘Mate, you absolutely f*cked up there. You’ve got to change that otherwise you’re going to look a complete d*ck.’

That stops the Maradona/Thierry Henry handballs. The absolute howler. That’s all you need VAR for.”

So, till now nothing is clear about the inclusion of VAR in the next or upcoming FIFA. The game developers will keep an eye on the improvement of the game. 

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.