Tony Stark Iron Man

Wealth Of Tony Stark Even Increases After He Sold Stark Unlimited

Iron Man is one of the richest characters in the Marvel Universe. Iron Man’s wealth rivals that of Batman. The wealth of Tony Stark is no doubt rich and this is his superpower. His abilities are limited by his imagination. He got a hell lot richer after he sold Stark Unlimited. 

Wealth if Tony Stark is not unknown to his fans. Tony Stark was a billionaire, worth around $12.4 billion. His company has enabled him to build countless suits and weapons to protect the Earth from the universe’s enormous dangers, both household and alien. But in the last issue of Iron Man 2020, readers find Tony Stark abstaining from the business to Robotics Scientist Andy Bhang. Now, in the preview to Iron Man #1, which shows Tony Stark is getting on “back to basics,” it is indicated that Tony barely endowed his business to Andy, but he is selling all his shares in the business, for a whopping $65 billion!

After the decline of Arno Stark and Sunset Bain, a regrown Tony Stark saved Stark Unlimited, and this again boosted the wealth of Tony Stark. However, he concluded that the company has too much luggage to proceed to be an attainable brand striding forward after everything his brother Arno did. Tony Stark is done with 2020, so he hands the keys of the “kingdom” to Andy.

Preview Of Iron Man Glimpses Wealth of Tony Stark

Wealth Of Tony Stark Even Increases After He Sold Stark Unlimited Comics

In the preview to Iron Man #1, which is written by Christopher Cantwell with craft and art by Cafu and cover by Alex Ross, Iron Man is exhibited taking care of the sinner villain Terrax, while doing personal financing. As he crashes against the villain, he confirms his departure as a board member from Stark Unlimited. Once the agreement is complete, he divests all his stocks in the firm, for $65 billion of which he instantly reinvests $25 billion into the market. This left him with $40 billion money in the bank. This is a lot added to the wealth of Tony Stark.

The preview ends with Tony delivering an interview, where he interprets why he is walking away from technology altogether. He gives his reasoning, devices should be building devices, and he should be concentrating on what it is like to be human. Though this move has added to the wealth of Tony Stark. Based on his character in Iron Man 2020, his decision holds true to the growth of the character. 

Iron Man #1 will be coming this fall from Marvel Comics.

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