What Did Paul Rudd reveal about Ant-Man 3 Entertainment

What Did Paul Rudd reveal about Ant-Man 3?

Paul Rudd Ant-Man 3, Chris Evans couldn’t get Ant-Man 3 spoilers. He wasn’t able to get it from Paul Rudd. Both the films that have released till date have come out to be satisfactory when it comes to success. Wasp and the Ant-Man made $622.6 million worldwide. This gave a chance to welcome the third installment. However, there have been no official dates announced for Ant-Man 3 till now by Marvel movies. The work behind the movie is very much in the process.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all the works have come to stand still in the entertainment industry. So, there is no fixed or sure information regarding the dates for Ant-Man 3. The release dates have been shifted a long ago and all the work that left behind has come to a standstill. So, we can only guess the timeline for Ant-Man 3. Fans are still excited even after all the turmoil.

Update on Ant-Man 3 by Rudd

Captain America and Ant-Man Civil War Entertainment

Paul Rudd Ant-Man 3, When Evans and Rudd appeared on Variety’s Actors, Rudd was asked about the updates on Ant-Man 3 by Evans. Rudd didn’t reveal much about Ant-Man 3. However, Rudd didn’t say a thing. He didn’t even disclose anything on the resuming of the shoot. He said, “That’s the idea [making a third Ant-Man]. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say or what I’m not supposed to say. But, with this quarantine, who even knows anything anymore?… I’m not gonna be able to say anything, Chris. You know the deal.” So, Rudd didn’t reveal much about Ant-Man 3.

Despite Ant-Man 3 being in the development phase, it does still not seem to be a priority for Marvel Universe right now. With Black Widow in hands, Ant-Man 3 will mostly be seen hitting the theatres until 2023. However, Michael Douglas did hint on some updates on the movie. So, fans must be excited about the news to come in the future. Hopefully, fans will hear some news soon. Fingers crossed!


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.