What do Superman and Batman have in common Entertainment

What do Superman and Batman have in common?

Which duo according to you is the most famous one in comic books? Superman and Batman. No matter whether they fight against each other or together, they were, are, and will be the best superhero duo of all times. While they both have some different abilities and qualities in them, but they do share quite a thing in common. These common things they share include their mothers’ first name. Moreover, before both these superheroes were born, their fathers worked together for the longest time.

The Fathers of Batman and Superman

In ‘The Fathers’ of Batman/Superman #50, Martha was shown as a pregnant woman. In the opening phase, they were seen driving through and discussing their chid’s name, of which Thomas was sure would be a girl. They were on their way to Gotham City when a comet crashed on the road on which they were driving. Out of curiosity, Thomas gets off the car and tried to look at the object that had crashed on the road. When he went closer to the object, he realized it wasn’t a comet but some kind of vehicle. As soon as he stepped forth to touch the object, he was taken to some faraway galaxy by the beam of light that came through the object.

Thomas soon found himself on an alien planet. This planet was more advanced than the planet Earth and he couldn’t understand the language but could sense something fishy. He soon met a man, who turned out to be Superman’s father, Jor-El. He explained to Thomas that it’s just his consciousness that has been transported to this alien planet and that his body remains on the planet Earth. They immediately bonded well as they both were in science. Superman’s father, Jor-El explained why he was transferred to this place called Krypton.

What do Superman and Batman have in common Entertainment 1

Thomas learned about Krypton

Jor-El tells Thomas that Krypton was dying and that it needs his help. Superman’s father explained how he had done every possible thing to make things back to normal but was failed every time. He even asked the authorities for help but didn’t receive any. He also told Thomas that he had reached out to many for help but didn’t receive any help whatsoever. After a brief discussion, Jor-El asks Thomas about planet Earth.

To this Thomas replied, “I can’t lie to you, Jor-El. We’re probably not the most peaceful corner of the galaxy. We have a special talent for embracing the worst aspects of our nature. But I believe that humanity is fundamentally decent…I can’t tell you where to send your son, but if he does come to Earth, I know he’ll have a chance at a good and meaningful life. And if I found him…I’d raise him as I would my own.”

This is what Superman’s father wanted to hear exactly. As he had sent his son, Kal-El to the planet Earth. Simply saying, both Superman and Batman’s fathers had a role to play in other’s creations.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.