What If Ultron Joined The Avengers

What If Ultron turned out to be good?

What if Ultron did what he was made to do, many things would have played a lot differently than they did. So gear up folks, today we will be jotting down some of the timeline changes that would have happened if the evil robot joined the Avengers.

how did ultron become evil

Before we go any further, a spoiler warning is now in effect as we will be going down into the original timeline of the MCU. Now that you have been warned let’s see what’s this evil robot has to offer us.

In the Age of Ultron, the main reason that Ultron became evil was due to what can be best summed up as “Generic Evil AI Logic”. So what if, instead of the generic “Humanity Must Be Destroyed”. Ultron’s conclusion was what Tony Stark originally wanted: For Ultron to protect Humanity?

What if Ultron had succeeded in creating The Vision?

Vision’s true extent of his power so we don’t know for sure but I assume he’d easily be able to defeat most of the Avengers. He was created to fight Ultron, there’s no reason for Vision to be made.

Scarlet Witch And Quicksilver Stay As Antagonists

Scarlet Witch And Quicksilver

The main reason they turned is that they saw Ultron’s ” destroy all life” plan, so without that, they would stay opposed to the Avengers.

Civil War Is Prevented Or Delayed

Since the events that destroyed Novi Grad, Sokovia didn’t happen, there isn’t a Sokovia Accords that splits the Avengers. Something might come up later, but we don’t have them break up as soon. This also means that Spiderman doesn’t join the Avengers until much later.

An Intelligent Teammate

what if Ultron Avengers intelligent Partner

Since Ultron can scan all corners of the Internet rapidly, he could locate dangers very quickly which is likely how he found Claw and his vibration in the Age of Ultron.

An Effective Fight Against Thanos

Since adding another member to the Avengers, which is extremely powerful and intelligent. Maybe the fight against Thanos in the Infinity war would have been a lot more easier and effective.

What if ultron was good

Now, these are some of the most basic and top of the line changes. This would happen if Ultron joined the Avengers. So there can be more changes that can affect the original timeline as we know it.