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What is Shuri’s Plan After Avengers Endgame?

In the aftermath of Avengers Endgame, Shuri’s sister of Black Panther is planning to make more super soldiers save Wakanda.

Shuri, sister of Black Panther is planning to create more super solider in the aftermath of Avengers Endgame. It’s easy to forget given everything that’s happened since, but 2018’s Black Panther plunged Wakanda into chaos. Since the start, Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda. Each Black Panther gets its power from a heart-shaped herb, a flower that has some strange power and unusual properties because of the Vibranium – rich soil of Wakanda.

But killmonger destroyed every heart-shaped herb when he took over the throne of Black Panther. Unless they found any another to grow the herbs, T’Chala is the last Black Panther and now his powers can never be passed on. Shuri and her Wakanda design group are giving their best to find out a solution to this situation. Marvel Studios has just published The Wakanda Files, a collection of in-universe records pulled together by Shuri as she attempts to find an answer to this problem – and it seems she’s taking an innovative approach.

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Shuri Tries To Make Super Soldiers

Rather than just focusing on finding or growing heart-shaped herbs, Shuri is trying to find a way to create more Super Soldiers. Indeed, This the main behind Shuri finding those files. so she can duplicate the process. “If we are to synthesize, and by process improve upon, an ancient Wakandan herb, we must first study supplementation where others have tried and succeeded,” she notes. “And also, where they have failed.” To that end, she focuses particularly upon Captain America, the Hulk, the Abomination, and even Extremis from Iron Man 3.

It’s surprising to note that, for all her genius, Shuri somewhere is not able to find the main wire between the connection. It’s true and proved that there is no radiation involved in the transformation of Black Panther, it’s just that Heart-Shaped Herbs which has some amazingly unique properties because of the radiation emitted by Vibranium. The link is still there, unrecognized by Shuri, simply because it is a little more indirect

The Majority of MCU superheroes were created in the 1960s when the cold war was at its peak. Everybody wanted to use the atomic bomb without even caring about its aftermath. Cosmic horror and sci-fi films told tales of radioactive monsters, giant lizards, mutated bunnies, and the like. Naturally, Stan Lee and his fellow Marvel creators tapped into the idea of radiation as the source of superheroes as well. Now even after so many decades, the fear is still there in hearts and there are some possibilities that MCU can change its ways. 

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.