Facebook next big step

What’s Facebook’s Next Big Step?

Facebook today announced that it has decided to reach people behind Facebook profiles with ‘high reach’ to confirm their identity. And this will flush out bots and make the experience of the users pleasurable. Also, this is not the first time Facebook took some steps like this. Because two years ago, a similar kind of move was undertaken by Facebook. So, this becomes facebook’s next big step. Facebook asked the viral page owners to disclose their identity and location.

Social media accounts on Facebook need verification

Facebook next big step

In the US, the social network accounts displaying any kind of ‘inauthentic behavior’ will require to display some ID. For instance, if in any case, the owner refuses to share his/her identity certain actions will be taken. The same thing applies when or if the ID doesn’t match the person in question. Facebook will decrease the reach of that page’s post which will reduce the number of visitors and views.

Steps will be taken to ensure that the profiles whose content goes viral in the US are authentic. Moreover, these profiles will be checked for bots. Facebook in a blog post: “In 2018, we started to verify the identity of people managing pages with large audiences, and now we’re extending ID verification to some profiles with large audiences in the US.

Facebook next big step

“Moving forward, we will verify the identity of people who have a pattern of inauthentic behavior on Facebook and whose posts start to rapidly go viral in the US, “Facebook further added.

This will allow Facebook users to see the real identities of these popular pages. In addition, it will also control the foreign government’s influence campaigns and the spread of disinformation. The tech giant in 2018 made political-leaning advertisers confirm their specifications. Lets see how effective and useful Facebook’s next big step comes out to be.

According to Facebook, the tech giant will store the IDs confidently and they will not be shared on a person’s profile.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.