Avatar 2

When is AVATAR 2 releasing?

Despite the delays Avatar 2 might still make its 2021 release date, says James Cameron. The Original Avatar was released in 2009 and represented a great jump forward for movie technology, especially in the spheres of performance-capture and 3D. The Sci-fi story of the film-Avatar 2 proved compelling enough to fling the movie to be a box office hit and making a world-wide box office record (then) of $2.79 billion.

Pandora Avatar 2

It might have seemed like the franchise was on the way due to the huge success of the film, but that wasn’t the case. The whole enthusiasm of the movie cooled down on Cameron’s universe. Talking about the sequels Cameron himself wasn’t in a rush to put out any. In 2017, when Cameron revealed that he wasn’t just working on one Avatar sequel but four of them, everyone was in shock. And he announced that the four movies he is working on are expected to head the $1 billion mark in total. To avoid the strife with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalkers, Disney who has obtained the Avatar universe in the Fox merger decided that four sequels should be delivered in 2020. The production of Avatar 2 has been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic and therefore of the same is uncertain.

AVATAR 2 Release Date

However, Cameron told Empire that the chances of Avatar 2 to make its planned release date are still there. Currently, Cameron has been spending his quarantine in Malibu. He on speaking about working in the four sequels talked about his plans to go back to New Zealand and to continue the physical shooting work. He sounded very optimistic about the whole situation.

Avatar 2 Release Date

He said “On the bright side, New Zealand seems to have been very effective in controlling the virus and their goal is not mitigation, but eradication, which they believe that they can do with aggressive contact tracing and testing. So, there’s a very good chance that our shoot might be delayed a couple of months, but we can still do it. So that’s good news. We’ve got everybody – everybody at Weta Digital and Lightstorm – working from home to the extent that that is possible. But my work is on the stage doing the virtual cameras and so on, so I can do a bit of editing, but it’s not great for me.”

Avatar 2 to be shot on new kingdom- Pandora

The images of the cameras that were. Used to record the movie’s underwater action shoot was shared by the fans giving them the technological aspect of the Avatar 2 shoot. No doubt, Cameron’s experience with shooting underwater is no surprise after The Abyss and Titanic, he has been pushing all the boundaries with the performance capturing technology in Avatar 2. Most of Avatar 2 has been recorded in an all-new water kingdom on the moon Pandora. After the distressing experience in the filming Titanic, Kate Winslet was could be seen jumping into the deep alongside the director Cameron.

Kate Winslet Avatar 2

What Cameron has in store for his fans is still a surprise and will be clear once Avatar 2 comes up for the fans. However, it’s not just one but four movies that’s gonna be worth the wait. How much of a hit these four movies are gonna be will be revealed with time.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.