Order 66 in Star Wars

Who Commanded the Deadly “Order 66” in Star Wars?

During the reign of Emperor Palpatine Star Wars, a great many atrocities happened and for which he was held accountable and responsible. Order 66 was, however, his worst. It was a command that propelled them to kill all the Jedi.

Who Commanded the Deadly Order 66 in Star Wars

Palpatine secretly oversaw the creation of a Clone Army for the Republic and decided to fit all of the Clones with a chip in their brains to make them give in to the “Order 66”.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

Since the Clones had developed a close relationship with – The Jedi, it was quite callous for them to accept the “Order 66”. The Clones eventually became the persuaded drones of the Emperor. All the loyalty they had towards their Jedi Commanders disappeared.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

In one Strange Star Wars comic book that was published by Dark Horse Comics, it was written that the “Order 66” was fortuitously issued by a short-order-cook. Even today, the story is not considered an actual part or original storyline. Therefore, it remains one of the most peculiar ways in which “Order 66” activated a Jedi butcher.

Readers got a look at the “Secret History” of Tag Greenly and Bink Otauna, in the second issue of the comic book Star Wars: Tag & Bink II. Both the characters emerged as two Incompetent Rebel Officers in the Kevin Rubio’s parody Star Wars comic Star Wars: Tag & Bink Are Dead.

Tag & Bink – The Jedi Padawans

The readers came to know about Tag and Bink in “Tag & Bink: Episode 1” that they were originally Jedi Padawans. It was revealed that they both were recruited into the Jedi order at a younger age. They erased several files from the Jedi archives thereby preventing Obi-Wan Kinobi from finding a planet. This happened during the events of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

Order 66 Jango Fett

When the boys realized that they were in trouble, they went to the diner of Dex (Kinobi’s friend) and tried to beg a few credits off him. It turned out that Jango Fett – the bounty hunter who was presented as the giant template for the Republic’s Clone Army – was eating at the diner. He lectured the boys on honesty and that why is it so important, to be honest with the Jedi Masters. Jango gave the exception of his boy, Boba that if he ever did something like they both did, he would expect him to say that with honesty.

Order 66 Tag and Bink

As Jango finished the lecture. The Diner’s short-order-cook started to shout out the finished orders, he yelled, “Order sixty-four!”, “Order sixty-five!”, and as he was close to saying “Order sixty-six!”; Jango went crazy and opened firing on Tag and Bink. He said, “I’ve got this sudden urge to kill Jedi, and that I kinda like it!”. Luckily, they were provided cover by Dex.

This shooting scene didn’t make any sense. Moreover, it’s not expected of Palpatine to allow the “Order 66”. Fortunately, it had been an unsuccessful attempt and both Tag and Bink are grateful for that.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.