Who will curse Deadpool in the Marvel Universe Comics

Who will curse Deadpool in the Marvel Universe?

Deadpool will be dealing with a curse.

The Merc with a Mouth is busy handling his monster kingdom, however, in November, Deadpool will be dealing with a curse. This curse was given to him by the monster hunter Elsa Bloodstone. The adjurations for Deadpool #8 will be very messy. 

Ulysses Bloodstone’s daughter Elsa Bloodstone was first featured in Bloodstone #1. But she is mostly remembered for her role in Netxwave, an amusing comic. Since then she has appeared in quite a several books from A-Force to Monsters Unleashed. Elsa is a superhuman in the sense that she has strength and speed as well as the immunity to vampires. In addition to all these superhuman powers, she has the ability to handle the mysterious Bloodgem

Moreover, Elsa has now come up as a doubtful ally to Deadpool. And Deadpool, on the other hand, has mounted to the equally doubtful position of the King of Monsters in New York. Since Elsa’s job is to hunt down the very subjects of DP (Deadpool) which makes their work relations tensed. Whatever faults DP has, he has somehow made it very clear that his intention is to rule with his best abilities. He is also clear about the helps he needs and gets. 

Do Elsa’s lie and Bloodstone’s curse can kill Deadpool?

Who will curse Deadpool in the Marvel Universe 1 Comics

Sadly, it seems like the very help that DP needs and can get will somehow bite him. The solicitations refer to the curse of Bloodstone as well as Elsa’s lie that holds the ability to kill DP. While Elsa’s lie might not cause any damage to DP because of Wade’s healing powers. However, it might cause a lot of problems in DP’s kingdom. Also, the source of Elsa’s powers is Bloodgem which is also referred to as the curse of Bloodstone. The Bloodstone’s fragments are often found in Elsa’s Bloodstream. She is also famous for killing vampires. It is highly likely that the DP might someday find himself in a similar kind of a situation. 

The cover displays an angry-looking Deadpool covered in darkness. He has glowy-orange cracks on his head and shoulders. Also, an object that looks like the Bloodgem appears in his chest. Although it looks like that he will somehow survive this particular danger his relationship with Elsa will never be the same. 

Who will curse Deadpool in the Marvel Universe 2 Comics

    The Solicitations are mentioned below:

  • Cover by CHRIS BACHALO

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.