Why Arkham Asylum is the worst place to keep the Insane Comics

Why Arkham Asylum is the worst place to keep the Insane?

Today’s question, why Arkham Asylum is the worst place to keep the insane. Yes, we are talking about the place with the most trust enlisted by Batman and Bruce Wayne.Before we go any further a spoiler warning is now in effect as we will be diving deep into the Universe. Now that you have been warned let me prove why The Batman was wrong about Arkhan Asylum all along.

No Positive Case

History of Arkham Asylum Comics

In the huge history of Arkham Asylum, not once a patient has been treated and claimed to be mentally stable. I mean many a times criminals like Two Face have been out of the asylum with the claim they are mentally stable, but in the end, it just proves they tricked everyone to get their way.

The Mental Staff

The true mentally challenged people in the asylum are not the criminals but the staff itself. The core of the whole asylum is unstable. Take Jeremy Arkham, the Chief Administrator and psychologist. This man can do anything for fun, whether to get tunnels build by an inmate or torturing the people in the asylum for fun or even release someone for money. And you know about the infamous Dr. Harleen Quinzel and her madness in the asylum as a doctor.

Sane and the Insane

Joker Arkham Asylum is the worst Place Comics

Just one phrase, Sane and the insane both are kept together in the asylum. Insane criminals like the Joker, Scarecrow and Two Face and Sane criminals like Killer Croc, Dr. Freeze and El Diablo. Do I really have to explain this any further?

Treatment for fun

As we talked about the mental staff, lets talk about the fact that how they treat the patients according to themselves. Whether it is beating them for fun or using weird and painful treatments just to hear the inmates cry and scream.

Not such a good place for the insane now, is it? A place like this should be shut down and new place should be opened for the insane so that they can have a chance at redemption. I just proved you how the Batman was lying to you all along.

Arkham Asylum as we can say is a place madder than the mads in it.