Why did Batman use Wonder Woman’s strength Comics

Why did Batman use Wonder Woman’s strength?

Batman uses Wonder Woman’s strength, Batman and Wonder Woman have shared some physical attraction towards each other. They also have been friends for many generations. They share the same default and passion for what they do in society. However, once this same passion became a major crack between the two. This happened when Batman planned some incident to offset each and every member of the Justice League. This made the members wretched including Wonder Woman.

Although Batman had planned the incident in his head. It was however difficult to implement given the powers of Wonder Woman. She is an amazon warrior princess and has received her powers from the god himself. So, it was quite difficult for anyone to defeat her physically. But Batman came up with an idea that would offset the Wonder Woman by targeting Wonder Woman’s strength. It was by taking advantage of her greatest strength. That is her requirement or desire to win. Wonder Woman would rather prefer to die than to get defeated in a battle. So, Batman decided to place a device in Diana’s ear. This device would further help in capturing her in a virtual reality scenario that too against an equally capable and efficient opponent.

This way Diana’s physical body will fight the fight while her heart beats will rise including other organ functionality. This way she will die from a heart attack.

Dark Knight’s plan exposed

Why did Batman use Wonder Woman’s strength 1 Comics

Batman used this tactic as a battle of last resort meanwhile his greatest enemy Ra’s al Ghul came to know about Dark Knight‘s plan. He then thought of using this same plan against Justice League. Sadly, it worked in Diana’s case. The battle was slowly killing her. Before the situation started becoming serious other members started recovering. They recovered from Batman’s attacks and came forward to help their teammates. Moreover, Plastic Man helped Wonder Woman in removing the implant in her that was placed by Batman in the first place.

Wonder Woman was very angry at what happened with her at the hands of Batman. She was so furious that when other members of the Justice League decided to let Batman be a part of Justice League, she refused. However, what was evident from the whole situation is that Batman knew Wonder Woman very well He tried to use Wonder woman’s strength against her. He so cunningly and easily used her greatest advantage against her.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.