Spiderman's daughter turns into a Hobgoblin Comics

Why did Spiderman ‘s Daughter turn into a Hobgoblin?

Spiderman ‘s daughter turns into a Hobgoblin, Changes occurring to the timelines are happening like a fashion. DC‘s Crisis on Infinite Earths and Marvel‘s Secret Wars are the examples where the shift in the timeline has happened. In these stories, what is spotlighted is the Universe shifting catastrophes that result in a change in timeline. Spiderman changing rectons as his weapons of choice is one of the examples. 


Any comic book will be encountering rectons. Rectons are something that refers to something about a character’s past. This affects the realistic nature of the character. This may also be understood by saying that it means ‘tweaking the origin’ of the character. So as to move the story in lighter or darker directions easily. There are changes that are being made with the writings of the writer that make it like a counterpart of a prosperous movie interpretation of the comic. 

Change in Timeline Of Spiderman 2099 Meets Spider-Man

attacked by a Hobgoblin Comics

In Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man that is written by Peter David and designed by Miguel O’Hara and Rick Leonardi, the Spider-Man who belongs to the year 2099 has been sent back to Continuity of the Marvel whereas Peter Parker is sent to the year 2099. Both the heroes are unable to connect due to time issues but somehow they manage this. But eventually, they land together in a dystopian world in the year 2211 where they together are attacked by a Hobgoblin.

Hobgoblin Woman Robin Borne Comics

Their reality is away from them. Even the Hobgoblin taunts them both. Hobgoblin develops “Recton Bombs” that can blast whenever someone touches them, this will destroy everything like there has been no life before. 

Robin Borne attacked Peter Parker Comics

Though, Spider-Man of 2211 defeats Hobgoblin and sends Peter Parker to his normal time. There is a mystery behind the appearances of Recton Bombs and Hobgoblin. The story expands more in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #8, 9, 10. This issue reveals that Hobgoblin is a woman whose name is Robin Borne and the daughter of Spider-Man of the year 2211 who is Max Borne. Max names his daughter Hobby. And because of mere negligence, Robin has become a scientist. He starts committing crimes, and before she could make more crimes, she is encountered by her father. 

The relationship between Robin and Max i.e. Spider-Man has increased the creative level for others. Robin’s attempt to attain her father’s love back does not make her a bad creature. 

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.