Friends Netflix


In this era of digital appeal and generational change in technology, the youth is dependent on the “thrilling spaces” of the web. From the dark sides of Black Mirror to the bright faces of Betty and Jughead, the webspace is growing to become more vocal in terms of idea generation. But amid the 21st-century psychology, why is there still a heartful space for the 90s characters? We say, “Oh my Gawd” or “Unagi” in the most humorous situations with the same enthusiasm of Janice and Ross. But what has derived our minds to be as sarcastic as Chandler even in the most perplexing situations or be a ‘high maintenance’ like Monica? You are right friends, it’s the word ‘FRIENDS’!

The 90s American sitcom television series has won the hearts of the millennials and would continue to do so for the upcoming generation as well. The series has the most relatable characters, lives in our hearts, and touches us with a pinch of every emotion. But why have Friends created an emotional connection with the people like no other series could ever make? The answer to this question is the one hundred reasons this sitcom has provided us with to make us fall in love over and over again. The actors may have grown old but their remarkable presence remains in our young hearts.

Friends Poster

There are several reasons to love this show including the timing, punch lines, storyline, the way characters build themselves, and come out and the list remains endless. But the actual reason which remains constant is that we want to become them and want our lives to be like theirs – simple, yet perplexed. We want our lives to be as independent and joyful as Rachel’s. We want to drive away from our daily stress by singing ‘Smelly Cat’ like Phoebe. We want to be loved by our Ross. We want the commitment the way Chandler made to Monica. We want to be as caring and sweet as Joey. We want to get furious over sharing our food or about someone keeping their shoes on the furniture. We want to be as clean and disciplined as Monica. On some days, we just want to cheer ourselves with a cup of coffee and talk about getting a million dollars. We want to get away from our lives’ Janice. We crave for the unconditional love, friendship, respect, bond and relieve our daily stress by just throwing our hearts to our loved ones. We want to sing the jolly song ‘I’ll be there for you’ to our friends and celebrate friendship with every counting day. And, that is why we have our hearts set over the simple relations portrayed in those 236 glimpses!

Friends Season

Fans remember some of the famous quotes of all times like ‘Could I be wearing any more clothes!’, ‘We were on a break!’, ‘Pivot’, ‘I don’t even have a pla!’, ‘How you doin?’, ‘They don’t know that we know they know we know!’.

Friends carry the ability to cure people from mental issues by just bringing a smile to their faces with their every conversation. Throughout the series, you may laugh, cry, get furious and emotional but one thing would remain constant, the fulfilling positivity and growth. So, we are not alone. Fortunately, we have got a Monica, a Ross, a Phoebe, A Rachel, a Joey, and a Chandler with us to mend our moods.

The TV show has remained to be one of the most-watched series worldwide and continues to grow through the digital platform – Netflix.