Why is Joker Batman's greatest enemy Comics

Why is Joker Batman’s greatest enemy?

With the end to Guillem March and James Tynion IV’s epilogue to the episode of Batman, it was clear that Joker was all set to make the biggest move on Batman. As, Joker is Batman’s greatest Enemy. He was about to make a move over Batman that he had never made before by using Batman’s secret identity. Although, it’s not clear as to how Joker came to know that Caped Crusador is none other than Bruce Wayne. Joker, the mad villain was making a complex move to defeat his old-time enemy.

In some past comic issues, Cogs was seen as a part of the Joker’s plan. However, the true picture was still quite evasive, despite the information regarding the “Joker War” crossover started spilling out. Joker to keep his plan of defeating Batman a secret didn’t shy away from killing his own men. He even appointed a new ally in Punchline. This new ally of Joker kept hidden in the shadows, whereas the Mastermind behind the plan rose as the brand-new villain to scare the hell out of the Gotham City. 

The Dark Knight defeated

Joker is Batman's greatest enemy Comics

In the issue #93 of Batman, Joker brought every planned thing into action. The full plan to defeat Batman was revealed but it was too late for Batman to realize what it was. He finally defeated Dark Knight and therefore made the impossible thing possible. However, what is so amusing is that he did it without using a single finger.

In the same episode Batman #93, the titular superhero, and the strange designer confronted each other. What Batman realized during this confrontation was that the designer wasn’t actually the designer. The villain was a corpse that was resurrected and managed by Joker. The Joker was controlling everything from a faraway place, enjoying his life drinking at a bar, while Batman’s life was getting miserable. So, It becxame even more clear that Joker is Batman’s greatest enemy.

In the same issue, Harley Quinn and Catwoman were inside the bank of Underbroker. Harley fought with Punchline, her new contemporary while Selina was in the company of Underbroker. Selina was making sure that whatever family fortune Wayne had left with was safely transferred to her account. She did that so that she could securely keep his money safe from everyone else.

Harley and Catwoman vs Punchline

Punchline fought with Harley and went ahead to shoot Catwoman and did it. Later, it was found that Underbroker worked for Joker and now they had access to and information of Wayne’s fortune. So, all the money that belonged to Batman was transferred to Joker’s account by Punchline. The money was the only greatest superpower that Bruce Wayne had. He used this money to keep the Gotham City safe by building new weapons. Not only did he was deprived of his money but his two new allies, Harley Quinn and Catwoman. For whatever happened with Bruce Wayne, the Dark Knight will pay for it in the near future. Because Bruce will not let him go that easy.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.