thor run comics

Why is Thor the most Stubborn Marvel Superhero?

Thor stubborn superhero, The mightiest Avengers of all is none other than Thor, the God of Thunder. However, he is the most stubborn Avenger as well. In 1963’s Jack Kirby and Stan Lee’s Avengers comic series, he didn’t ask anybody to help him. He hung onto his pride and guns till the end. Although many things have changed as he is growing up and accepting and understanding things slightly differently. But Avengers #5 is always gonna have the most comical moments ever, wherein Thor behaved just like his hammer, Mjolnir, immovable.

How Thor got his hammer, Mjolnir?

Thor’s origin had a big role to play for his stubbornness. Even his father realized what was wrong with Thor and sent him back to the Earth to learn humility. Thor’s father wanted him to earn the true value to be able to wield his hammer, Mjolnir. Thor did win in learning humility and therefore got his title and hammer back. But he still was at odds with his father. That was maybe because of him finding love on the Earth and responsibilities on Asgard. If this the reason, then Thor’s resolution and headstrong nature are totally correct and acceptable. His cause to stay on and protect the Earth along with other Avengers is genuine and lovable. Although, it all might appear to be waste like in the earlier told issue from Jack and Stan. 

Why is Thor the most Stubborn Marvel Superhero Comics

Avengers and the Lava men in Avengers #5

Avengers fight a battle with Lava Men in Avengers #5. These Lava men try to destroy the surface world using a huge rock. But Avengers come to the rescue and tries to stop them in their ugly motive. The trio, Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor goes underground, Iron Man becomes indisposed. Therefore, Stark gets to the surface and deals with the intense heat of the lava. But he didn’t ask for help at all and refuses any kind of help provided to him.

However, a scary situation occurs as the lava covers Thor up till his neck. All of this happened so fast that he couldn’t think of any second thought. However, in spite of all this willfulness and ego, Thor is still ferocious. He used his hammer, Mjolnir, to create cosmic energy so as to make the lava around Thor hard. And he gets back to the surface using Mjolnir. So, this way Thor dealt with the Lava Men below, and meanwhile the remaining Avengers looked out at the scene above the surface. In the end, they were successful in saving the world.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.