Will Marco Change The Destiny for Noah and Elle in The Kissing Booth 2 Entertainment

Will Marco Change The Destiny for Noah and Elle in The Kissing Booth 2?

The Kissing Booth 2 is ready to telecast on Netflix. The trail of The Kissing Booth is already out. And fans are eager to see the sequel to the high school romance. 

Here is what we have found out after watching the trailer. The speculations are super cool because they pave the way to the depth of the central character of the movie. It is not only Noah who is going to Harvard to the other side of the country. It seems as if he has made a new beautiful friend who is Chloe. Elle does not seem any less. She also has a friend named Marco.

There is a troublesome friendship of Elle with Lee. She is dating his brother but now the deal is that she could abandon the plans to go to Berkeley together so as to follow Noah to Harvard. This all is making the final year more complicated.

The Kissing Booth 2 is written and directed by Vince Marcello and Jay Arnold, and produced by Andrew Cole-Bulgin, Ed Glauser and Michele Weisler. Just like the book it is based on that is written by Beth Reekles, with complications, The Kissing Booth 2 has introduced a few more problems for Noah and Elle. 

Noah And Elle The kissing Booth 2 netflix Entertainment

“Elle Evans just had the most romantic summer of her life with her reformed bad-boy boyfriend Noah Flynn. But now Noah is off to Harvard, and Elle heads back to high school for her senior year. She’ll have to juggle a long-distance relationship, getting into her dream college with her best friend Lee, and the complications brought on by a close friendship with a handsome, charismatic new classmate named Marco. When Noah grows close to a seemingly-perfect college girl, Elle will have to decide how much she trusts him and to whom her heart truly belongs.”

The New Cast Joins The Already Working In The Sequel

Noah Marco Chloe The Kissing Booth 2 Netflix Entertainment

Noah and Elle had already a lot going on in between the paradise. Just like the new boy Marco. Almost all girls have eyes on him, but Marco is pretty much entertained by Elle. And on the other side, Noah also has a crush on Chloe, the girl she meets at Harvard.

The BFFs forever are also facing trouble in their friendship. Like Elle and Lee have just recouped from her charming his brother. They are having more issues in the future. Because Elle will be planning to abandon her plans to join Noah because it is just a piece of cake while switching Harvard from Berkeley. 

There will be another kissing booth (physical) in The Kissing Booth 2. Elle and Lee are seen being desperate to get Marco to have him there. So, it is not a kissing booth without any reasons.

King, Courtney and Elordi are officially part of the new movie. Reekles has confirmed that the cast of the first movie will be part of the sequel. Meganne Young, Molly Ringwald, Morne Visser, Carson and Bianca Bosch are returning for the sequel. Well, there will be new cast members as well. Masie Richardson-Sellers and Taylor Perez will join the ongoing cast.

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