Will There Be More Time Travel Stories By Marvel Comics

Will There Be More Time Travel Stories By Marvel?

Marvel Time Travel Stories, X-Men Comics from Marvel seemed to be obsessed with time traveling. In 1981, Chris Claremont and John Byrne wrote one of the most popular comic books  “Days of Future Past.” As iconic as this story from the book may be, it’s difficult to understand it was only a two-part journey.

Since then, time travel has evolved one of the most crucial overused tropes in X-Men comics. The X-Men have toured to history and the future. They’ve been enlisted by time visitors like Cable and Bishop, and for many years the actual five X-Men have stayed in the present day as a permanent fixture. Even the X-Men have started to realize that they are getting fed up with the time traveling. 

Time Travel Attracts Writers

Will There Be More Time Travel Stories By Marvel 1 Comics

Time travel really looks like attractions for X-Men writers because of a good motive. Unlike many other superheroes, the X-Men are not just good-doers. They struggle for the concept of mutant-human co-occurrence. In discrepancy with Magneto‘s fantasy of mutant domination or Apocalypse‘s goal to build a world based on the belief of survival for the fittest. In different words, the X-Men are about the possibility of the future. Therefore, it makes the point for writers to be eager in investigating what sort of world the X-men will create? Or what the world would look even without them?

Future Prospect by X-Men Is In-humanitarian

Most of the prospects of the future sighted by the X-Men are dystopias. This assists to build a feeling of necessity about Xavier’s Dream; the X-Men is the slight possibility that the realm has for a friendly and relaxed future. Their foes are the designers of these grey timelines. In the “Days of Future Past” timeline, the automated Sentinels depict a future where everything is stripped except hatred and prejudice. In “The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix,” the titular warriors fall into a timeline where Apocalypse regulates the world. 

The whole scenario is built only because of a general approach to temporal mechanics by Marvel. They follow the Multiverse theory. The same approach is followed by Marvel in MCU. This has been witnessed in Avengers: Endgame. The whole thing opens a lot of potential for more time travel stories.

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