Wonder Woman 1984s Golden Armor Entertainment

Wonder Woman 1984 Will Bring Amazon Olympics From The Original

Wonder Woman 1984 Will Bring Amazon Olympics From The Original. The first trailer of the film has teased that Wonder Woman 1984 will be returning to Themyscira rather than Diana returning in her present. It is now an opportunity for the movie to re-incorporate the imagery of Amazon. The Amazon imagery dominated the opening act of Wonder Woman (2017). 

Credits – Warner Bros. Pictures

It could also bring back some of the familiar faces from the first movie. Lilly Apsell, who has played Princess Diana, Connie Nielsen, and Robin Wright who were playing Queen Hippolyta and Antiope. 

The sequence will be allowing Jenkins to do something that she had to rework for the first movie. 

 It involves bringing the famous championship games. The games where Diana competes to earn her lasso of truth to be Themyscira’s agent in Man’s world. 

Jenkins said, “It killed me because we originally were going to do the Amazon Olympics, which is how in the lore historically Diana always got [her gear], and it didn’t quite fit in the storyline.”

She said, “The way that we did it [in Wonder Woman], I believed in much more for our story, but it was always something I wanted to do. But also, that was their only war with Man’s World and they’re not going to fight each other. So this was this great way to say. ‘Oh, there’s a lesson I really want to learn from the Amazons this time and what did we miss last time? And how can we see something totally different?’ Them in the Olympics.”

Big Stadium and Extravagant Environs Are The Main Thing

This is not only the theatricality of Amazons that makes “Olympics” stand out. It is the extravagant environs as well. 

“The main thing [designed for Wonder Woman 1984’s Themyscira scenes] is a big stadium, for a contest which is a kind of [a cross] between Olympic games and a Ninja Warrior thing,” production designer Aline Bonetto—who also worked on the previous film—said of the work to bring the games to life. “And [it’s] done by the Amazons, which means it’s really difficult,” she added.

“I wanted to design that in a way that everything is beautiful, efficient, there is always a reason [for something] to be there, technical, but always in a beautiful [style].”

Difficult To Build An Obstacle Course

It was challenging from the standpoint of design. 

“[We were] trying as much as possible, on this scale of the movie, of course, trying to make the most that we can for real, directly,” Bonetto said.

Wonder Woman 1984 Will Bring Amazon Olympics From The Original Entertainment
Lily Aspell, reprising her role as the young Diana.

Bonetto explained about her approach to design the obstacle. She said, “you see the kind of big sculpture because you think OK, they need to climb. They need to jump, they need to jump on big poles. But I didn’t want just having a kind of scaffolding, so that became a kind of sculpture itself”. “The poles are really high. It was amazing to see that for real. Because it was really a 10-meter high pole!”

The gear is evocative of the past and present. Hemming wanted costumes that would match the leather studded aesthetics. 

“[They’re made from] pounds of animal skin, which is almost like wetsuit material, the finest wetsuit material there could be,” Hemming noted of Amazon’s approach to athleisure. “We’ve had it printed with animal prints, so there are snakes, and there’s a crocodile, and python, and what-have-you, and then some of the pounds [of skin] are gilded, so it’s a very complex process to make them.” “The idea, of course, is that they’re strong and sleek and that they’re the peak of the peak of the Amazons,” Hemming said.

Wonder Woman 1984 is set to release in theaters on 2nd October 2020. We could get another glimpse of the movie on 22nd August at DC FanDome

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