Zack Snyder and Geeks Gamers

Zack Snyder Disawos Geeks+ Gamers

Zack Snyder Attack Captured Live On YouTube

“Just a quick thing before we get started, I know that on our donation page, we still have the Geeks and Gamers logo. I just want to say, I really talk about this, we are really not affiliated with Geeks and Gamers as far as I am concerned. I really just want to make that clear. I also wanna just say, that in light of recent events, if Justice League teaches us anything it’s about coming together and there’s no room for hate. I just think that it’s an important message. As a father of Asian children, it really hits close to home. For me, I just want to put it out there, there’s no room for hate and that’s just what it’s about.”

These were the immediate words of Zack Snyder soon as he joined the Geeks + Gamers’ livestream.

What is Geeks + Gamers?

They claim to be an online community of content creators who react, discuss, and debate on various movies, TV series, comic books, and videogames. Owned by Jeremy Griggs, Geeks + Gamers has members like Ethan Van Sciver, Tyrone Magnus, Uche Nwaneri, etc.

Geeks and Gamers
Geeks + Gamers

But is that all to it?

In reality, they are the Fox News of comic book movies, the Alex Jones of the videogame community, and the right-wing group of entertainment media, and their content is a testimony to it. For a channel called Geeks + Gamers, they spend a lot of time and energy on what they call ‘wokeness’ and ‘owning the libs’. To summarize their channels, they are a group of grown men and women, some in their 40s, who record their meltdowns about movies and videogames while staring into the camera and make money off the same stuff they hate on.

There is a variety of Youtube channel online and the last decade saw the rise of two factions: SJWs and anti-SJWs. The Geeks + Gamers fall in to the latter but they take it up a notch. To put things in perspective, Geeks + Gamers has made dozens of videos on the Hollywood actress Brie Larson, starting from simple critique to outright hating her.

The Snyder Connection?

While Zack Snyder was filming the Justice League, his daughter Autumn Snyder committed suicide. Celebrating the success of The Snyder Cut movement, Geeks + Gamers sponsored a live stream to raise funds for a suicide prevention charity and invited Zack Snyder as a special guest.

Zack Snyder Geeks and Gamers connection
Zack Snyder On YouTube

Why The Zack Attack?

As you can guess, Geeks + Gamers has generated a lot of controversy in the past. Several of its members have been accused of dog whistling to racists and Nazis by other YouTubers on the left. Their strong support for Gina Carano after Disney fired her from The Mandalorian for her anti-Semitic posts garnered heavy criticism by the YouTube community on the left. The recent rise in racial attacks on Asian community in the west and Zack having a multi-racial family, it is fair to assume that Zack would want nothing to do with the kind of audience Geeks + Gamers attracts.

Zack Snyder
Zack Snyder

The Aftermath

While some of the members of Geeks + Gamers claim that Zack Snyder was forced to make that statement by Warner Brothers and HBO Max, the other members of the said community are doing exactly what they have always done i.e. having a meltdown on their social media.

The firstborn of house Kamikaze, the first of his name, lover of fiction, reader of books, reviewer of movies, knower of nothing, serial escapist.