Zack Snyder Warner Bros

Zack Snyder Was Scared That The Warner Bros Might Sue Him

Filmmaker Zack Snyder released his own version of The Justice League, sometime back was scared that Warner Bros, producer of The Justice League, would engage in a legal battle with him because of the public campaign that led to it. He said that although he was all for the idea of releasing a Snyder’s cut, he did not think it would become a reality.

The Reason Behind Zack Snyder 's Justice League Title Entertainment Trendingetc
Zack Snyder’s Justice League

In May 2017, Zack Snyder had to back out of the movie because of his 20-year-old daughter, Autumn committing suicide. He then got replaced by Joss Whedon, who made a fair amount of changes in his film and was thus not welcomed by the fans of the superhero film. A huge public chaos and uproar resulted in the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut campaign.

Zack Snyder said that while he was on board with the idea, he was not so sure as he was scared of a lawsuit from the Warner Bros. According to Snyder said, “I was more worried the studio would sue me. Do something to silence me.”

While talking about his fans and how much they did for him Snyder further said, “Here’s the reality. That fandom raised $750,000 for suicide prevention and mental health awareness. They’ve saved lives. That’s a fact. But on the other hand, was it fun to provoke them? For a clickable thing? Yes. And they were an easy target. But they continue to raise money.”

Zack Snyder's Justice League
Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Nonetheless, Zack Snyder subsequently released his version of the movie and he says his fans did a lot for him during that day.

Hi! I am Anushka Basu. I'm a student of Journalism and Mass communication and an ardent binge-watcher. Writing is a passion for me and my goal is to put forth my ideas and views before the readers in an effortless manner.